Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bombardier Cseries Essay
Coupled with BBD’s aging technology, drastic worldwide events, and rising attractive opportunities in the regional jets market, BBD has been subject to fierce worldwide competition and most aggressively from Brazil (Embraer). How can Bombardier gain back leadership in the globally competitive passenger aerospace industry? 2. Analysis 2. 1 External Environment Analysis Politically and legally, governments had always supported aeronautics by shielding national manufacturers against competition and subsidizing their research and development projects. To some extent, foreign competition called for the intervention of the World Trade Organization to control anti-dumping policies. Governments also got involved in establishing environmental regulations to control the damaging effects of air transportation on the environment. The deregulation of the aerospace industry in the mid-1990s led to a socio-cultural change in consumer’s preference from high comfort level to lower prices. The latter pushed airline companies to seek low-cost-carriers to reduce costs. Economically, airline carriers adopted flexible financial models with manufacturers to meet fluctuating aircrafts demand and develop the business further. Technologically, airline manufacturers focused on innovating their core competencies through R;amp;D and achieved economies of scale by outsourcing airplane segments to suppliers and developing strategic partnerships with subcontractors. As the table shows, rivalry amongst competitors has the highest effect on the passenger aerospace industry. The moderate effect would be the bargaining power of suppliers, Bargaining power of buyer, and threat of new entrants since the aerospace industry is extremely conservative in terms of manufacturer acceptability and moving towards being environment-friendly. As for threat of substitution, it has the least effect because air transport is faster and more efficient than rail, road, or water modes of transport. However, it is important to consider high-speed trains as a threat for regional connecting flights as customers could enjoy lower fares, convenience (versus the hassle of airports), and a different experience. In general, the passenger aerospace industry has high potential expect for the presence of rivalry amongst competitors that keep it extremely difficult to accomplish. 2. 2 Internal organizational analysis A) Tangible Resources -Financial resources: BBD’s financing is based on lease financing that is supported by commitments from potential customers and suppliers. Exhibit 15 shows negative Revenue to Working Capital ratio in 2004 (CSeries announced) and 2006
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ingvar Kamprad Leadership Essay
Business Leader Profile Ingvar Kamprad Founder of Ikea Retail Stores Why Ingvar Kamprad? Does the name Ingvar Kamprad mean anything to you? To most people it doesn’t and it's a testament to the fact that he built up a brand that is so powerful people recognize it immediately, while not tying it into, or even knowing, the genius behind it. The brand? IKEA! The reason why we chose this business leader is simple, Ingvar Kamprad is a businessman and the founder of IKEA with an estimated worth of $22. 5 billion dollars.Kamprad was born in the south of Sweden in 1926 and raised on a farm called Elmtaryd, near the small village of Agunnaryd. He is a great leader and one amazing thing about him is that he went into business early in life, selling matches as a schoolboy and also, very wisely for his age (or any age for that matter) Kamprad took his profits and used them to expand his operations, adding to his small line of goods with decorations of Christmas trees, fish, and seeds. He was learning the operational side of retailing, and he was learning it quickly and profitably.When Kamprad did well in school, his dad rewarded his with some money, and that was the seed to launch a company he named IKEA. He got the name from his initials I. K. , and then added the EA from the name of the farm and the town he was raised in – Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd. Don't think the idea of a furniture company was brewing in the mind of Kamprad with his new company, he still focused on smaller items, and for the most part look to the business of securing contracts of supplying pencils. Like in his younger years, Kamprad soon began to expand into all sorts of other areas, including everything from jewelry to male and female ccessories. He soon outgrew individual visits to customers and went into the mail order business on the local level, having the milk trucks deliver his products to his customers. When Kamprad first included furniture as part of the product line of IKEA, his i dea was to use local manufacturers to keep costs low and under control. That was in 1947. By 1951, furniture sales were so successful, he decided to drop all other products and focus on the furniture line alone. The first furniture showroom opened in 1953, and the rest is history.Almost immediately a price war started between IKEA and its chief competitor, and the inclusion of the showroom helped sway potential customers who were able to see and touch the quality before making their purchases. Like many great retailers, Kamprad was obsessed with controlling costs, and dedicated to finding new ways to do things at a less expensive level. That has been one of the major reasons behind the ongoing success of IKEA furniture sales and profits. Some people attempt to point out the fact that Kamprad has several properties he owns and so the frugal image is contrived.I have to disagree with that, because the reason he can afford some of these things is because he remained frugal within the c onstruct of his company, and so because he was able to put of instantaneous gratification, could then do whatever he wanted once he became wealthy. While there is some truth to the image part, it was also very much practiced by Kamprad. Many people think being frugal is being cheap in a negative way, and yet those best at it are the ones that serve their customers and employees at the highest level by giving customers the best deals possible, while at the same time offering longevity to employees.The best definition that reflects the idea of leadership for Kamprad is â€Å"Leadership is a kind of activity meant to influence behavior, beliefs and feelings of the group members in a certain direction. †(Wright, Peter L. and Taylor, David S. Improving Leadership Performance. Great Britain: Prentice-Hall International Ltd; 1984. p. 2). As Peter F. Drucker said â€Å"The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say â€Å"I. †And that’s not because t hey have trained themselves not to say â€Å"I. †They don’t think â€Å"I. They think â€Å"we†; they think â€Å"team. †This idea is mostly based on a simple word, and that word is â€Å"team†. Every leader who has this trait is surely to have great success simply because they don’t work and take decisions just on their own, they seek and welcome the help of employees, one of those leaders being Kampard of course. If we go back to Niccolo Machiavelli, we can see that he once said that â€Å"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. and it a really smart and correct thesis, because in order for a leader to successfully empower his organization he needs employees, but not just any employee, they have to be creative, loyal and intelligent in order to really be useful to their organisation. So while cost control is a major part of the IKEA success story, the empowerment of its custo mers is as well, which is brought about from a highly committed and talented design team. Leader’s position in organizational structure „In an hierarchical system, participants take for granted what the participants with the higher position defines†(Becker, 1998).In other words, social actors in the labor market believe what the professionals (leaders, professors, mass-media) define as leadership, considering that the privilege formal position brings privilege information and ethics. This is not a valid statement if we look into the organizational structure at IKEA. Anecdotes about Kamprad abound. When his father complained that Ingvar slept late in the morning, Ingvar got himself an alarm clock, set it for six o’clock, and yanked away the off button. According to Kamprad, we should all divide our lives â€Å"into 10-minute units, and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity. Though past 80, Kamprad still travels the world to visit new IKEA stores. He flies economy class, calls his employees â€Å"co-workers,†encourages everyone to dress informally, stays in cheap hotels and even replaces bottles from the hotel room mini-bar with cheap bottles bought in local supermarkets. He gives no interviews. As far as setting an example through his actions, Kamprad flies only economy class, drives a 15-year-old vehicle, and focuses on little things for his workers like writing on both sides of the paper, and other frugal practices. That has helped IKEA remain on the top of a highly competitive market.Critics of these stories say they seem intended to reinforce the company’s no-nonsense brand and encourage cost-awareness among company staff. They point out that Kamprad may be the world’s richest man, that owns several lavish houses around the world, and that it would be ludicrous to assume a man of such wealth would not use any of it for private purposes. If you've ever read IKEA literature, catalogs or advertising, they reinforce their and Ingvar Kamprad's motto of not only existing to make improvements in the lives of people, but to improve people themselves.With that in mind, the way the stores themselves are set up and the design of the furniture built with the idea of being very simple to assemble, it generates the healthy idea of self-sufficiency, which helps empower people and make them feel good about themselves. Leader or non-leader; manager or leader If we would be to make a list with leader and non-leader and manager traits we would easily see that Ingvar Kampard is a leader, not only that, he is a good example for hundreds of people out there who thrive to become leaders themselves. If we look closely at Kampard we can see that he is a proactive an, he believes in people following examples, he motivates and inspires top results and has great strategic orientation. If a leader is not like this, then as Abraham Maslow said †If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. †. Based on interviews with employees at IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad is a good example of leadership because he strongly expresses the organisational value of IKEA through his behaviours. Thereby, all the IKEA employees (from top management to co-workers) follow this organisational value as a framework.In addition, the leadership style of management position also was influenced through strong organisational value. Employees have used descriptives such as „role model†and „father†when speaking about Ingvar Kamprad thereby denoting the familial nature of IKEA corporate culture. If we apply the model of leader vs. Manager described by Abraham Zaleznik – Ingvar Kamprad is the epitome of business leader. All of this is based on his empathic relationship with his co-workers and employees. By setting examples and inspiring, he also sets the company’s overall direction by altering the direction of its employees.One of his subordinates characterises his leadership style as a „teacher†. Senge (1990) and Max de Pree(1990)’s theory states that a leader should be a teacher in the organization „ †¦ much of the leverage leaders can actually exert lies in helping people achieve more accurate , more insightful and more empowering views of reality, when the leaders carrying out stewardship (Senge, 1990: 353)†, according to Senge (1990). The roles that leaders should play is exactly how Kamprad has been doing for so long. Creativity As Teresa M. Amabile once said „Keep doing what you are doing†.Or if you want to spark innovation, rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people. †What is business creativity? We tend to associate creativity with the arts and to think of it as the expression of higly original ideas. Think of Pablo Picasso reinvented the conventions of painting or how William Faulkner redefined fiction. In business, originali ty isn’t enough. To be creative, an idea must also be appropriate, useful and actionable. Within every individual, creativity is a function of three components : expertise, creative-thinking skills and motivation.Expertise is, in a word knowledge – technical, procedual and intellectual. Creative-thinking skills determine how flexibly and imaginatively people approach problems. Do their solutions apend the status quo? Do they persevere through dry spells? Not all motivation is created equal. An inner passion to solve the problem at hand leads to solutions far more creative than do external rewards, such as money. This compenent – called intrinsic motivation is the one that can be most immediately influenced by the work environment.Senior manager at IKEA strongly believes that IKEA is a creative organisation based upon home-furnishing company; IKEA has to be creative within value â€Å"efficiency and cost conscious†. This reason makes IKEA differ from other companies because it is not easy to produce a good product at low price. Furthermore, IKEA has a strong organisational value that every employee should concern as follows: †¢ Togetherness †¢ Cost consciousness †¢ Respect †¢ Simplicity IKEA follows a model of „family business†because at its inception, Ingvar Kamprad was developing it as a family business which eventually grew to outstanding proportions.Due to this, most of his own ideeas like the simplicity and togetherness have actually become some of the company’s most important organizational aspects. IKEA is an extremely creative organisation because IKEA allows employees to work in freedom and are open for trying new ideas. To demonstrate clearly, when employees have concepts, it is important to express their concepts to the manager in order to consider whether it is possible to develop and make this concept concrete. The respondent emphasises that â€Å"It does not take a long time, if you have a really good idea.This creative idea will be developed and spread out to use at every store of IKEA in the world Moreover, the organisation also encourages employees to continually learn from their own experience and also other’s experiences such as co-workers. As a result, employees are able to complete their own tasks as well as generate new ideas that make IKEA different from other companies. Leadership styles Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Kurt Lewin (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of leadership.After a complete analisys of all three styles(autocratic, democratic and delegative) we have reached the conclusion that Ingvar Kampard is most of the times a Participative(democratic) leader. This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. But of course, he is not always using this style, since every problem requires a different style.Besides the fact that Kamprad is one of the wealthiest living people, he is also an impressive leader. The leadership style he embodies is one of personal example. Though he has billions of dollars, Ingvar is reluctant to a life in luxury. People confess seeing him haggling in the market and dining together with his wife in cheap, dirty places. His image makes up for billion words. Black worn out shoes, cheap glasses and a grey faded coat dress up the billionaire in most of his rendezvous. Taxis are substituted with public transportation like busses and subways and, luxurious jets with low-cost airlines.By his daily routine and his habits of living in an artificial poverty, Ingvar Kamprad embodies the average IKEA customer. â€Å"I look at the mo ney I'm about to spend on myself and ask if IKEA customers could afford it. †â€Å"If I start to acquire luxurious things then this will only incite others to follow suit†¦ †. Ingvar considers himself to be an example for all others and tries to appear as a normal individual. In â€Å"A Furniture Dealer’s Testament,†Kamprad suggests that â€Å"IKEA people do not drive flashy cars or stay at luxury hotels. †, â€Å"How the hell can I ask people who work for me to travel cheaply if I am traveling in luxury? he asks. â€Å"It’s a question of good leadership. †From a young age, Ingvar learned what working hard meant and what a strong bound truly is. He is a preacher of the religion of simplicity and during over half a century, along the constant growth of his company, numerous others joined in. According to Plato, the mob is a â€Å"big and dangerous animal†which must not be underestimated. What kind of strategy could work with masses rather than a leader of their status? Governments have fallen and people died along time only to protect the need of having a representative leader which could alike them.Ingvar Kamprad succeeded in building up a truly simple and productive leadership style only by regarding himself as equal as and never more important than the commoner. Nicolo Machiavelli stated: â€Å"Religion is not important because of the truth it holds but because of its efficiency in maintaining control over masses†. In our case we have little to do with angry mobs but with the angry way in which money are wasted by a company or individual in matter of costs. Kamprad understood this fact and built a distinctive corporate culture which comprehended his true nature.In contrast, the famous RJR enjoyed the expense of private planes and luxury and unlike our billionaire, success was only passing by. Warren Buffet’s mentality resembles the one IKEA’s Founder and together with the m indset, the income is comparable. Coming again to Plato, the philosopher once said „Those who rule must provetheir leadership abilities. A person can be trained to be a good ruler, but we have to distinguish between superficial competencies (oratory) and profound competencies (developed with the help of philosophy). The ruler has to guard not only the peaceon the ship but also to know which wayto sail and ow. †Ingvar’s thinking is flexible and innovative. Mistakes are praised and considered as the most important link to success. He is without regard a transformational leader. His style motivates people and defines a new way of thinking. Ingvar also connects with his followers and is a source of inspiration for younger generations. Bernard M. Bass, after decades of research and experimentation, regards transformational leaders as the leaders who recognize the needs of the followers and in addition tends to go further and satisfy higher needs of the follower.All of these actions are aimed to propel the follower on a higher tier in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Whereas common leadership or transactional leadership seeks only to maintain the satisfaction of the individual, transformational leadership looks into enchanting the well-being of the followers in order to achieve a higher outcome alongside with their happiness and devotion. This gap between the leadership styles is what I believe to be the main reason for the existence of excellent, world-changing people, in contrast with the unsuccessful ones.Their view of the world is their most precious asset and how they regard to others is the main secret of conquering unreached heights. Due to the fact that Ingvar Kamprad has a unique way to behave with the employees of IKEA and tries to enrich them with traits so important for the success of both the corporation and the employee’s leadership skills, I believe that Kamprad is a brilliant representative of Bass’s beliefs. Kamp rad could also be considered to be a Level 5 leader according to Jim Collins’s â€Å"Good to Great†. Ingvar greets the uncommon and is on a constant quest for taking apart obstacles which lie between failure and success.His constant struggle for reaching excellence in everything he does could be clearly seen in the process which I would like to call â€Å"building the empire of self†. His focus on the main purpose, the one of bringing innovative furniture in each and every household and changing the lives of many by simplifying their existence, assured his success and the status of one of the greatest business managers and leaders to have ever existed. A Napoleon of the furniture industry, Kamprad was. Close to followers, talented and emotionally involved were some principles he used during his reign.Thus many would say he received divine help, he started as a common man. Only his devotion and hard work made the difference. Garry Gemmill and Judith Oakley refer to a leader as a Messiah or a savior and hardly agree with the concept of a leader as a creator. Moreover, they state that â€Å"Leadership is nothing else but a myth propagated in order to keep everybody else quiet and nice. †. They might be right but in my consideration, this words do not apply to the hero we analyze in this project. Ingvar strongly encourages creative discussions within the company and his actual position is one of a leant and a symbol of excellence.David Goleman on the other hand expresses, in his work â€Å"What makes a Leader? †some traits which could help us identify other traits of the IKEA Giant. Goleman places a great emphasis on emotional intelligence and connects the status of a leader according to it. The main skills David puts behind a glorious leader are Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation and the abilities to relate to others – Empathy, and Social Skill. Ingvar seems gifted with emotional intelligence when managing peop le and events. Happiness is in his opinion the greatest asset an IKEA worker should possess.An excellent business man and an excellent time manager he proved to be during many occasions and time only knows when the world could inherit another great leader such as Ingvar Kamprad, the Swedish Scotsman. Conflict management style â€Å"The Ikean culture, which was directly linked to Scandinavian culture, valued simplicity and informality, frugality, humbleness, responsibility, and the constant will to renew. †The company initially sold furniture provided by numerous suppliers. As time passed, competition started to corrupt the suppliers and as a result, Ingvar decided never to trust others than himself.It was a turning point in the history of IKEA which now started to produce its own furniture. A moment of conflict and lack of trust turned into a brilliant idea and started to place the organization on the path to success. Another turning point in Ikean history was by the time an employee decided to disassemble the furniture in order to transport it by car. Kamprad saw this particularly insignificant moment of conflict as a possibly gorgeous opportunity for the future. From that point onward, the furniture company started to differentiate and build up not just furniture but a light, innovative, easy to use and cheap type of furniture.The most significant property Ingvar’s furniture has is its ability to be assembled by the customer and offer him the joy of putting the puzzle pieces together. Price was amazing. IKEA furniture was 50% cheaper than the competition and besides this important factor; it was more than friendly and practical. Ingvar once was accused of being a Nazi supporter due to the fact that he attended to their meetings on numerous occasions. The conflict took a serious impact on Ingvar’s personality and started to shift its public perception in a truly negative way.However, the conflict was in some manner consumed when Kamprad composed letters of apology to all his employees and people whom he disappointed. He recognized that he made a mistake and that it was a dark chapter in his existence which shouldn’t have happened. Questioning the status quo is Ingvar’s best way in dealing with everyday problems and through his successful career they were many. To begin with, the more IKEA grew, the more Ingvar’s problems developed. Alcohol, Nazi support and deaths at the opening of a store were only the biggest of them.Despite the severity of the problem, the modesty, humanity and determination always brought Ingvar on the right track. For the IKEA founder, conflict never ceased to be functional. It helped both him and the employees remain focused and constructive. It generated growth, activated learning, maintained excellent interpersonal skills and gave a different perspective over issues. The main conflict management style of his was collaborating. In almost every occasion he and the employe es formed a team and everyone is expected to contribute with anything they can.Departments are structured on the philosophy of sharing ideas and support. Also, there is a win-win situation between IKEA and its customers. On the one side, IKEA has tremendous profit margins (about 16% – almost two times higher than other furniture retailers) and sells for tens of billions annually and on the other side, the customer benefits from exceptional quality and practicability for the given money. Ingvar’s mentality (comprehended by the Business Harvard Review: How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight) is one of creating common goals. The company and he was an impeccably motivated and determined group of people.Creative and interpersonal relations are also highly praised within a company and IKEA makes no exception. In his work, Kenneth W. Thomas, refers more and more to the importance of conflict in an organization. Throughout a sustained study of the great players in the corp orate world, the mesmerizing power of a poorly managed conflict is revealed. Too many companies suffer great reductions in income and performance due to this mostly overlooked default. Using a bi-dimensional representation, Thomas expressed the whole conflict issue using 5 elements – Avoiding, Accommodating, Compromising, Competitive and Collaborative.The IKEA model works entirely based on the Collaborative model due to the fact that it is mostly a win-win situation in which both the company and the employee reach a high level of fulfillment. Conflict can also be managed using a system of rewards resembling the one parents use for their children. It might be unexpected but I believe this is an awesome way to educate outsiders and to make them behave according to a reward. Despite the fact that it might be a bit manipulative, the rewards system is a good way to achieve a prosperous work environment.However, if good is not enough for a company, this system could be substituted by one composed of amazing people, highly talented and qualified personnel which requires little training and can propel the company to new heights. The ideal way in which I believe conflict could be turned into a powerful creative force is through the use of Virtuoso Teams. Despite the fact these kinds of teams require a constant action and an important continuous goal. Jeff Weiss and Jonathan Hughes express in their â€Å"Accept-And Actively Manage Conflict†the necessity of conflict in a prosperous working environment.After and during the Industrial Revolution, people and mostly employees were kept under and oppressive working regime which limited their creativity and power to change their condition. Riots were common and worker unions started to prosper. However, the work was dull and no sane man could cope with it more than a few years. Now, a century later, conflict is comprehended as a powerful tool. Just thinking about the Olympiads or a race between two close friends is more than enough in order to have an insight into the invisible motivation a challenge releases.The same principle applies in the development of Ikean furniture. People have a â€Å"Vojna Idej†(War of the Ideas) and as a result breakthroughs occur. However, due to the fact this war of ideas is hardly sustainable in time, there must be a boundary composed of the corporate vision and goal. I believe that none of the amazing commercials and ways of presenting the company could have emerged without a nearly balanced conflict management system. Weather we think of the cleverly designed buss stations or the exquisite TV commercials, IKEA is a sign of greatness. EthicsBusiness ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. Busin ess ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. If a company's purpose is to maximize shareholder returns, then sacrificing profits to other concerns is a violation of its fiduciary responsibility.Kamprad began to develop a business as a young boy, selling matches to neighbors from his bicycle. He found that he could buy matches in bulk very cheaply from Stockholm, sell them individually at a low price, and still make a good profit. From matches, he expanded to selling fish, Christmas tree decorations, seeds, and later ballpoint pens and pencils. When Kamprad was 17, his father gave him a cash reward for succeeding in his studies. IKEA was founded in 1943 at his uncle Ernst's kitchen table. In 1948, Kamprad diversified his portfolio, adding furniture.His business was mostly-mail order. The acronym IKEA is made up of the initials of his name (Ingvar Kamprad) plus those of Elmtaryd, the family farm where he was b orn, and the nearby village Agunnaryd. Kamprad has lived in Epalinges, Switzerland since 1976. According to an interview with TSR, the French language Swiss TV broadcaster, Kamprad drives a 15-year-old Volvo 240, flies only economy class, and encourages IKEA employees always to write on both sides of a paper. He reportedly recycles tea bags and is known to pocket the salt and pepper packets at restaurants. In addition, Kamprad has been known to visit IKEA for a â€Å"cheap meal. †He is also known to buy Christmas paper and presents in post-Christmas sales. The firm he created is still known for the attention it gives to cost control, operational details and continuous product development, allowing it to lower its prices by an of average 2-3% over the decade to 2010, while continuing its global expansion. Kamprad explains his social philosophy thusly in his â€Å"A Furniture Dealer's Testament,†â€Å"It is not only for cost reasons that we avoid the luxury hotels.We don't need flashy cars, impressive titles, uniforms or other status symbols. We rely on our strength and our will! †Despite this, Kamprad allows himself some luxuries; he owns a villa in an upmarket part of Switzerland, a large country estate in Sweden, and a vineyard in Provence, France; he also drove a Porsche for several years. Ingvar Kamprad had made two „big mistakes†. From 16 to 25, Kamprad was a friend and follower of Per Engdahl, the leader of the quasi-fascist, pro-Nazi Neo-Swedish movement. Engdahl attended Kamprad's first wedding in 1950.Kamprad only terminated his involvement in 1951. When the scandal broke in the early 1990s, Kamprad wrote to his employees: â€Å"You have been young yourself. And perhaps you find something in your youth you now, so long afterwards, think was ridiculous and stupid. In that case, you will understand me better. †He also apologized in a television interview and said he had not fully understood what the Neo-Swedish movement was about. And the second happened while working with furniture manufacturers in Poland earlier in his career, Kamprad became an alcoholic.He has, however, stated that his drinking is now under control. In 1947, Kamprad introduced furniture into the IKEA product line. The use of local manufacturers allowed him to keep his costs down. The furniture was a hit, and in 1951, Kamprad decided to discontinue all other product lines and focus on furniture. In 1953, the first IKEA showroom opened. It came about because of competitive pressures. IKEA was in a price war with its main competitor. The showroom allowed people to see it, touch it, feel it, and be sure of the quality before buying.Kamprad's vision has been the driving force behind IKEA's succcess. IKEA hires its own designers, who have received numerous awards over the years. Kamprad believes that the company exists not just to improve people's lives, but to improve the people themselves. The self-service store design and ease of assembly of their furniture are not merely cost controls, but an opportunity for self-sufficiency. This vision is reinforced in their advertising and catalog, as well. Kamprad has been extremely shrewd in creating IKEA's organizational structure.It is owned ultimately by a Dutch trust controlled by the Kamprad family, with various holding companies handling different aspects of IKEA's operations, such as franchising, manufacturing, and distribution. IKEA even has an investment banking arm. Kamprad has repeatedly resisted pressure to take the company public, feeling that it would slow their decision-making processes that have allowed their phenomenal growth. On a final note This leader and founder of IKEA is an Old – School Business man that made mistakes in his teens. His mistakes were that of an average teen that dreamed at glory and power or of that of an overworked man.He weakes up at 5am in the morning, every day and sometimes arrives at the IKEA store before the first truck. Ingvar Kamprad treats all his employees with respect and calls them co-workers, he recycles and he tries to persuade his employees not to buy expensive cars and big villas in countries that are reprezented as dots on the World map. Ingvar Kamprad built IKEA from scratch and he worked very hard so that the comapany became what it is today. Finally, he is a man that was interested in being a business man since he was a child.He is a much respected man and a wonderful example for future leaders and it was a pleasure for our team to work out together in order to realize this portfolio about Ingvar Kampard. I hope you enjoyed reading our essay as much as we enjoyed writing it. ( Questions Are there strong parallels between theory and organizational environment, reflecting your understanding of reality? -Based on our understandings the reason for that is most experiences in organizations have autonomous processes which are self-replicating and form themselves randomly by gro up decision.Theory is embedded only when it is actually considered firsthand Did you use various perspectives to analyze the leader? -We have extended our search into various perspectives about Ingvar Kampard, such as private life, workplace and even his â€Å"fun†time. How many problems or â€Å"bugs†did you identify in the theory or practice of leadership? -As far as we’ve gone into research, we were not able to find many bugs in the practice or the theory of our leader, only minor mistakes that are now â€Å"buried†underneath the ground. Do you have a critical approach to leadership? Our approach towards leadership is pretty much critical but not to a higher extent Did you use tables, logical schemes or graphics to illustrate your ideas? -At our meetings we needed to put up our ideas somewhere so we used logical schemes that we followed and established by ourselves and after that we transferred the info onto paper. Are your ideas backed-up by eviden ce? – The evidence is provided in the form of surveys and results conducted by people with authority to perform such research. Some evidence may be anecdotal, lacking any form of statistical analysis.However most of the data is falsifiable (both in theory and practice) hence observable in different ways, so that reality can speak for itself instead of giving evidence or proving points. Did you use relevant and important papers/authors? -We have used relevant and also important papers/authors/articles. Did you use both academic and professional sources? -Yes we did. One of our most important sources were the Harvard Business Reviews Reference: fondatorul-ikea/ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [pic]
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Kentucky Fried Chicken Essay
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a franchising fast food brand that was founded by Harland Sanders in 1956 and bases its core business in a secret seasoning mix of eleven herbs and spices recipe to fry chicken. The KFC through the last decades became one of the most famous fast food brands in the world with subsidiaries and franchising in different region of the world. One of the purposes of KFC is to stabilize and strengthen its presence in the North Asia, with particular attention to Japan. In this country KFC is already present with more than 400 stores between Company and Franchise. Analyzing the situation through the Porter’s 5 forces we can consider the competitiveness of the market: high competitive to enter and to be into the market for the presence in it of strong multinational competitors such as McDonalds that introduce different kind of substitute product, but no one like the KFC secret recipe. All this competitors create high barrier and push away the possibility o f new entries in game: it costs too much to try to enter both in terms of cash then in efforts. On the other hand raw materials are easily recoverable and KFC can switch from one supplier to the other without any problem, totally different for the customers that have a wide choice of products of similar category. Through the 5 forces analysis it is possible to say that competitiveness of the market is medium/high level. In order to identify and to evaluate KFC strengths and weaknesses we are going to analyze KFC strengths and weaknesses and how are them related with possible opportunities and threats. Main important aspects of this brand are the uniqueness of the fry chicken recipe (so the product) and the strong franchising net they had that make KFC a well know brand but on the other hand this strength hide weakness inside because create a low differentiation of product in portfolio with low level of chance to create innovative product. More than that they are selling junk food that is in contrast with the past few years healthy trend but it creates a big opportunity to creat e a new healthy chicken recipe. The KFC entered in Japan with a partner that created a link between them and the local culture and trends: culture that start to change little by little under the pressure of the youngest that look at U.S.A. as a model to imitate and replicate, but it also create contrast between local and U.S.A. HQ that brought a lack in the control of the system due to a poor short term strategy and a lack in the franchising net development in the Asia district. This elements reflect in negative way on demand that is really sensible to price and quality. There are a few possible strategies that KFC can do in order to fix its problems and re-lunch the brand not just in Japan but also in those markets where KFC is not present yet: First Strategy can be characterized by a high ratio of standardization of the protocol and the procedures to acquire a strong routine: enter in a KFC store in Dubai has to be equal to enter in one in Japan or in USA. This can bring to develop and empowering a strong econ omy of scope. The main product lines have to be the same for each store in the world. As expansion strategy KFC has to look for the growing country with the higher Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), following step by step the development of the brand in that area with a rigid control system. Periodical report has to be sent to the central HQ in order to see the trend of the market and take the decision of invest more or disinvest according to the data. The control has to be done at regional level that has also the duty to indicate and identify new potential profitable market. Locally every store have to follow routine and habits of the brand with the chance to made up few new product in order to get closer to the local habits and needs. Stores, also, have to report periodically their trend for a strict control of the KFC standard. A Second Strategy can be developed with the decentralization of the â€Å"power†by the KFC in order to create several regional HQ completely autonomous from the U.S.A. Company that has just the power to take the decision to invest or not in a new potential market or country. The target should be a growing country with higher CAGR and KFC has to finance, give the first input to enter in the new market, and then create a regional HQ and leave all the issue to it. The regional HQ in case of negative trend can be evaluated in order to take the decision if produce more effort and try to save that market with new investment or disinvest and close that branch. As we said the regional HQ are total independent and it is their duty to identify regional behavior and local habits in order to â€Å"manipulate†the product, merchandising, advertising of the brand to suit regional population needs increasing awareness and willingness to purchase. At regional level it is also important to evaluate constantly the trend and the performance of local product in order to take quick decision and continue investing or close the product line (same for subsidiary and franchising store). Locally stores have to report periodically their trend to the regional HQ for evaluation, they have to ensure minimum standard revenue level, positive feedback from client, and follow the procedures. Every store have to be closer and closer to customer needs and habit, clients have to have the feeling to be at home when they are in a KFC store. In the Third Strategy KFC has to set up the main rules and protocols that have to be followed. With a strong standardization of the main core product create a large economy of scope, but it has to let free the regional and local organization to decide autonomously for size and quantity of product sold in order to follow local needs. The KFC administration has to export the brand aiming to the developing countr y as new potential market with a strong financial investment plan in market research (to know and understand local needs and habits), advertising (to increase awareness) and joint venture with local partnership. Periodically it has to review the performance of the markets in which it is present. In case of a negative profile, analyze the causes and, in the absence of advantageous solutions, not be reluctant to disinvest in that particular market. The regional administration has to be the link between the central HQ and every single store. It has to control and report periodically the right application of the procedures, quality standard, routine and the correct application of rules and protocol. It also has the issue to make research on population area behavior, attitude and habit in order to discover the lever that can improve the brand in that particular region in terms of awareness, willingness to purchase, and customers satisfaction: the aim is to discover a product that can both fulfill the taste and the desire of population and, at the same time, be in line with the company policy. Not less important task at regional level is to discover, identify and evaluate potential new market areas where the company can invest. Locally stores have to follow rules and protocols settled by the Central HQ and periodically report the operation trends to regional level. Local stores have to help to study in deep population needs and report the result to regional level. Not less important is that stores have to guarantee minimum standard revenues The 3rd strategy is the one I choose because it allows a control by the central HQ that standardize routine and protocols, but also it let local adjustments to meet population needs and habit. At the same time it aims to a strong expansion plan in developing market and try to cut out waste closing the not profitable market. Moreover it builds a strong cooperation between the three levels both in market research and in brand development.
Acquiring a Contract with the Navy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Acquiring a Contract with the Navy - Assignment Example This has raised the importance of negotiation in order to win the bidding on a contract with Navy (Dilger, 2013). In United States, most of the jobs are created in small business as a result of which initiative for growth and development of the concerned sector has been taken into account through the implementation of federal contracts. The Small Business Act (1953), states the importance of federal contract for the development of concerned sector. The Act further states that equal opportunity is provided to small sectors to ensure participation in the federal contracts. In the context of small business, HUBZone set-asides for small business that restrict some contracts associated with the same. Lester has developed the business across the regions and has been creating a huge amount of impact on the overall area and developing the effectiveness of the system. Therefore, it can be considered that with respect to the policies of the Act LesterMyers is qualified for gaining the bid cont act of Navy. In addition Lester has the proposed financial capacity that helps in developing as well as supporting it to meet with the needs of specifications of HUBZone (Dilger, 2013). The multi-year contract signifies continuous purchase of products and services from the same supplier for the period between one to five years at maximum. In case of multi-year contract, it becomes essential to maintain the performance according to terms of contact because it may lead to cancellation of payment to the concerned contractor. A multi-year contact is likely to be beneficial for Navy because it reduces the problem associated with seeking to identify the potential supplier of services. The changing rate of inflation as well as other market factors is likely to affect the price associated with the service (Jensen, 2006). In such case, multi-year contact is beneficial for navy as it ensures that change in prices does not affects the overall value of contact. A multi-year
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
MOBILE COMMERCE (M- COMMERCE) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
MOBILE COMMERCE (M- COMMERCE) - Research Paper Example Mobile commerce is similar to e commerce because it is mediated by computer networks; however, it differs from this form because some internet devices do not have access to telecommunications networks. Mobile commerce has numerous benefits that companies in any industry can enjoy, and one of them is their ability to respond to issues instantly. It is a given fact that certain transactions are time-critical, such as making a buy in the stock market for brokers; having an m-commerce platform for such industries could make the difference between success and failure for these stakeholders. Businesses can gain significant leverage when they merge the intention to purchase with the actual purchase through a mobile device. One way of how this has been achieved is through the use of PDAs (personal digital assistant) in the healthcare sector. Nurses and physicians constantly need to access patient information or records even though this may have occurred in another department within the institution. Some healthcare providers that have adopted these technologies are now able to access patient status and other critical information without having to go to the corresponding department. This has minimized administrative cost while productivity has increased, and the service quality within these entities is also quite promising. In addition to its instantaneous nature, m commerce allows users to carry out transactions independent of their location; this could drive sales substantially for such companies. Many buyers may want to purchase a certain item or service but could be unable to do so because of their distance from the actual store. Even e-commerce, which promises such an advantage is often limited by one’s ability to locate a computer, yet this is not the case for mobile devices. M-commerce holds a lot of promise for businesses that embrace it because they have the opportunity to sale their wares to buyers anywhere they are. The ubiquity of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Muhammad Yunus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Muhammad Yunus - Essay Example Micro finance is a term given for the practice of providing financial services, usually very small loans, to developing economies. As the name itself suggests, most transactions in micro finance involve small amounts of money, frequently less than 100 USD. This paper will review an article about Microfinance titled, The Microfinance Promise written by Jonathan Murduch with special focus on Economist, Muhammad Yunus. The main thesis of this article is about the role of Microfinance in the development of individuals and how Muhammad Yunus’s role is very crucial in that development. Microfinance is the ray of hope for many people the world over, who were living a life of struggle due to the lack of basic needs caused by deficient economic resources. This economic deficiency is actually due their inability to find a livelihood and this is further accentuated by the apathy shown by the Government and its institutions. â€Å"About one billion people globally live in households with per capita incomes of under one dollar day. The policymakers and practitioners †¦face an uphill battle. Reports of bureaucratic sprawl and unchecked corruption abound†(Murduch 1569) The author focusses on Muhammad Yunus and Grameen bank after discussing about the utility of Microfinance and the latest approaches. According to the author, it is due to the personal initiative of Muhammad Yunus that Microfinance had its roots in Bangladesh, which in turn ‘rooted’ and ‘routed’ many lives in their path to success. Before Yunus’s initiative, many people had no idea of about the concept of Microfinance and lived their lives with lot of discomfort. And, this term entered common parlance due to the work of Prof. Muhammad Yunus, who was aptly awarded the Nobel Prize for economics in 2006. Muhammad Yunus is only credited with disbursing the first microloan in Bangladesh in 1974 using his own money. The author of the article, Murduch focusses on Yunus
Monday, August 26, 2019
Learning Support Assistants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Learning Support Assistants - Essay Example Whether it should be rhyme based or phoneme based or mix of the two methods. Earlier evidence, like that of Ehri et al (2001) have found that training children to adopt analytic phonologically word based words-level strategies in the early readings help in improving reading and spelling ability. The role of LSAs is to help the children with the poor reading abilities in small groups. They have good experience but only have the basic training. Despite their crucial role with the 'at-risk' students, their contribution has not been fully explored. There have been strong evidences, which show that these teaching assistants can provide crucial support in teaching methodology. Thus the main aim of the research is to find out the effectiveness of LSA based system in the education system where presently this is not typical. There are several ways to teach the phonological and decoding skills. In the rhyme based intervention programmes children are made to pronounce the whole word like 'cut', 'but' and so on. While in the phoneme based method the students are made to give importance to each and every letter of the word, pronounce it and then add them all together. Thus the second aim of the research is to find out which method of intervention will be more effective, rhyme based or phoneme based or the combination of the two. Methodology: The study of intervention was carri... One morning LSAs met with the authors to get the feel of the training material. From first nine responding schools 498 selected students were screened by LSAs to find the poorest students. All the students had experienced three months of Year 1 National Curriculum classes. One LSA was deployed in each school. They were trained to screen the children on the measures of phonological awareness, word reading and spelling, non-word reading and letter-sound knowledge. Screening Materials: Students were made to recite the nursery rhymes if they knew them. If they did not know it then the adults would say a rhyme and check if the child could complete it. The purpose was to clarify if the child knew the word 'rhyme'. In the rhyme matching, the children were shown the picture of the animals. They were then asked to find the picture of an animal that rhymed with some particular picture of animal, say like 'dog'. There were two practice trials and 12 experimental trials in this test. In rhyme generation children were shown the picture of a particular animal and then made to name the other animals whose name matched with that animal. If there were no answers then children were given the examples. In the blending method of screening LSA would pretend to be a Robot and make the sound like /m/-/at/. The children were asked to blend together the sounds and make some word from it like 'mat'. The LSA would complete the work if children did not respond. In the Segmentation method it was opposite, the children were given a word like 'pat'. They were told to break it and sound it like the robot. They had to break the word in either two or three parts. All these phonological tasks were combined together from a single
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Global Ocean Currents explain why Northern Hemisphere is the soggier Essay
Global Ocean Currents explain why Northern Hemisphere is the soggier one - Essay Example This zone is referred to as the zone of inter-tropical convergence, and it is neither symmetric nor centred around the equator. Rather, it is to be found over the oceans in the northern tropical regions. Frierson et al. used observational data and model simulations to show overturning circulation in the oceans, as well as associated energy transports, and their importance in boreal disposition of rainfall (Hickey, 2013). Hemispheric asymmetry in the ITCZ is caused by the influence of tropical landmasses and their associated cloud fields, and atmospheric circulation on ocean currents and temperatures (Frierson et al, 2013). On average, the Southern hemisphere absorbs more energy than the Northern hemisphere from the atmosphere. The energetic imbalance that results between the two hemispheres is redressed by meridional overturning circulation of the ocean, which transports heat from the Southern Hemisphere northwards towards the equator to be released as atmospheric heat. The ITCZ is sensitive to heat redistribution through the meridional overturning circulation. Generally, in the tropics, energy at the surface is absorbed by the oceans and released into the extra-tropical regions. When these perturbations to the mean state are explored using a model, which removes the effects of continental landmasses, hemispheric asymmetry can also be induced within the ITCZ (Frierson et al, 2013). This hypothesis that ITCZ asymmetry is determined by meridional overturning circulation can also be tested by imposing, between the extra-tropics and tropics on the two hemispheres, a symmetrical flux of surface heat. The results show that, within the extra-tropics, differences in hemispheric atmosphere-ocean flux of heat related to meridional overturning circulation are a necessity for asymmetry of ITCZ (Pike, 2013). It is still important to note that surface heat flux present in hemispheric imbalance is a result of continental
Saturday, August 24, 2019
England's Policy of Transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
England's Policy of Transportation - Essay Example The rebellion in the colonies had made it impossible to use them as a penal colony and in 1788 England began to transport mass numbers of these criminals to Australia. This dark period in England's criminal justice history saw the transportation of 160,000 people to the continent (Sheehan, Miller, & Hudzik, n.d.). Many were children, some were elderly, and most had been convicted of only very minor offences. England's Policy of Transportation was a heinous immorality, unjustly perpetrated in an ineffective attempt to control England's lower class and their petty crimes. The harshness of Britain's reaction to crime is understandable as upper class citizens feared the pickpockets and thieves and demanded action from the government. However, to send any person, not to mention a child, across the sea with no hope of returning strips them of their last remaining possession, their cultural identity. The initial voyage contained 700 convicts whose number included a 9 year old boy convicted of stealing and an 82 year old woman caught lying under oath (Martz, 2000). These hapless passengers were thrown together with a brutal adult population to endure abuse and worse. According to Dunlop (1997),"All prisoners were treated alike, and conditions were harsh; appalling living conditions, disease, hunger, floggings and general neglect were prevalent and many convicts died en route or upon arrival." The severity of these actions were as appalling in the 16th century as they are today. Though men outnumbered women 6 to 1, women were often the target of criminal convictions in an effort to increase the female population in Australia (Martz, 2000). Innocent women could be convicted, not because of their crime, but because of their gender. Men in the new penal colony demanded wives and the British system was eager to provide them. Providing women to the penal colony was viewed as a method of adding stability to the system and many were forced into prostitution upon landing. Often, they would be taken prisoner by male inmates or sold into sexual slavery (Martz, 2000). The injustice of condemning a woman to a life of slavery for political convenience is seldom rivalled in modern history. The years of practising a Policy of Transportation did little to impact or reduce Britain's criminal population. The root causes of crime were poverty and a well-defined class structure. The failure to address these problems left the threat of transportation an impotent weapon on the war on crime. Though the horrors of a lifetime of banishment may have deterred some criminals to be less aggressive in their activity, the rising numbers eliminated any possible gain that deterrence might have. The relatively small numbers of violent criminals included in transportation verifies that the policy did little to correct England's crime problem. Sending women, children, or anyone else to a lifetime of banishment away from all they know is an immoral act when done in response to minor crimes against property. Sentencing them to a lifetime of misery and possible death was an injustice of vast proportions. Transporting women, unfairly convicted for the purpose of creating a class of sexual slaves, was inexcusable even in the context of the times. That it was an ineffective effort resulting from a war against the lower class residents of the slums
Friday, August 23, 2019
Rat Temple in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Rat Temple in India - Essay Example Considering the norm with Hindu temples, one must remove their shoes when they enter this temple. In addition, one must be careful not to step on them as that would be considered unholy; and if a rat dies because of being stepped on, it is expected that whoever killed it should replace the rat with a gold or silver statue of the same weight as the rat, for atonement. There are chains and grills positioned all around the enclosure of the temple, to protect the rats from predators such as birds. Inside the temple also, there are caretakers and priests that reside with their families and clean away the excrements of the rats, whilst ensuring they are fed. Foodstuffs such as coconut shells are scattered around the temple for the rats to feed on and milk to drink served in pots (Kaushik). Karni Mata’s rats are treated as deities due to the Hindu’s belief in samsara which is the cycle of transmigration that one undergoes when they die and are reincarnated. The legend’s origins can be traced to the goddess of influence and victory, Durga who was reborn as Karni Mata that came to be a spiritual matriarch of the 14th century. In her life, one of members of her tribe lost their child and Karni Mata attempted to bring him back to life, only to be informed by Yama, the goddess of death, that he had by then been reincarnated. Following this, Karni Mata made an agreement with Yama whereby everyone from the tribe would be reincarnated as rats until the entire clan was reborn. This is in accordance with the Hindu belief that death signifies the end of one stage and start of another (Kaushik). Karni Mata temple completed at the beginning of the 20th century was designed in the late Mughal style, and Maharaja Ganga Singh of Bikaner was responsible for its completion and in 1999, Kundanlal Verma undertook further renovation. Born in October 1387, Karni Mata was the seventh daughter of Mehoji Charan and Deval Devi and they resided in Rajasthan; considered an h onorific name, Karni got it when she cured her aunt at the tender age of six years. Even though they did not live an ordinary matrimonial life, Karni Mata was married to Dipoji Charan. She had four sons who were reincarnated as white rats and are believed to bring luck if one spots them out of the other tens of thousands found within the temple this is because they are believed to be holy above all the rest (Karni Temple). The sophisticated, artistic sense of Indians can be noted with the intricate marble panels that line the entrance and floors of the Karti Mana Temple, and features silver and gold decorations all over. Linked to the royal family that ruled Bikaner, the nearby city, the Temple was established to provide greater power and protection to the family, as goddesses are believed to be directly involved in people’s personal lives. Thus, where a Hindu royal family seeking more power would establish a cult in favour of a goddess as is the case with Karni Mata and the worshipping of rats. Also deemed to be a blessing or sign of good luck, is sampling on food and water that has previously been nibbled on by the rats within the temple. In a bid to gain luck from sighting of the ‘special’ white rats, visitors of the temple offer Prasad, a sweet-tasting type of food. Proof of the holiness of these rats has been the fact that there has never been an outbreak of any
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The real estate sector Essay Example for Free
The real estate sector Essay ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A project is never an individual effort of a person whose name has appeared on the cover page. A successful project requires proper guidance, proper time, energy, efforts, patience and knowledge. First of all I am deeply grateful to Dr. Manjula Shastri whose help, valuable suggestions, encouragement and guidance helped me in preparation and writing of the report. I want to thank the staff of Piyush Group who spends their valuable time to give me the important data regarding my project. I would also like to express my gratitude to everyone who gave me the possibility to complete my summer internship report. This Project has given me an insight of the Real Estate Industry and the competition between different Real Estate Group. The completion of the Project has made me aware of the Research Procedures and the complexities that can arose during the process. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In India, Real Estate business is believed to be a sale and purchase of the property on the market with the assistance of real estate brokers/agents. However with the entrant of large Real Estate Groups like PIYUSH, RPS INFINIA, DLF, ANSALS, SIKKA, OMAXE, SUPERTECH etc. the scenario has completely changed. The sector has now become well organized with the groups performing well in the sector. They are well established corporate who have efficient marketing strategy for facing changing democratic and environmental scenario. Liberalization has given the real estate sector a very attractive approach for investment and growth. Moreover government has opened the path to FDI and Public Private Partnership (PPP) for major infrastructural and development projects in NCR. The NCR alone are the core of major real estate activity in India. Although infrastructure has been hit by rising input costs and delayed approvals, assest prices for residential real estate have recovered and grown over the past two years. The increase in residential assest prices have given to a prospective fizz, causing stagnation over the past two quarters. Various real estate players have the business strategy of capturing major market through their different commercial and residential projects in NCR (areas surrounding Delhi). Therefore cities like Faridabad, Noida and Gurgaon are the best place to live or to invest in it. TABLE OF CONTENT PARTICULARS Declaration Certificate Acknowledgement Executive Summary Objective and Scope of the Study Research Methodology Introduction Company Profile Current Scenario of Real Estate Business Growth Prospect of Real Estate Business in NCR The Major Players of Real Estate Business in NCR Competitive Analysis Conclusion Bibliography OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The aim of this summer internship project is the study of Real Estate Sector in NCR with reference to Commercial and Residential Projects and what is it’s over all impact on the changing Indian economy .This project will also put light on a changing trend and new area developing for realtors in NCR region with their price components both launching and pre launching price of the property. Objective 1: To study the current project of Piyush Group Objective 2: To study the growth prospects of Real Estate Business in NCR. Objective 3: To understand how one should go about selecting the Real Estate Projects. Objective 4: To study and do the competitive analysis of Piyush Group SCOPE OF THE STUDY This research is important to prospective real estate investor, students, entrepreneurs and developers who are having stakes in different small and mid size project in NCR. This may be of special interest to marketing students who would like to know more about the practical step- by- step side of marketing world, rather than only the theoretical aspects taught in business schools Research Methodology The methodology which was opted for the project is as follows: 1. Description of the Research This research on will consist of exploratory research as well as conclusive research. It begins with a hypothesis, and to arrive at a conclusion, which includes secondary data as well as information from case data and questionnaire. 2. Data Collection Methods The Sources of secondary data that are used are Libraries resource center Internet Sites Books, News papers, Magazines Journal Trade promotion council Organization The method of primary data collection is Questionnaires Direct Interviews 3. Field work The fieldwork in this project consisted of data collection through taking the interviews and getting the questionnaires filled up. 4. Analysis Finally interpretation will be drawn from the analysis of the information gathered Primary Data Secondary Data Analysis and Findings of Data INTRODUCTION Real Estate is often inaccurately taken as a profession. However Real Estate is a business, not a profession. Profession applies science, act or learning to the use of others, the profit to the professor or person applying it being incidental while business is engaged in making profit and the profit is to the one who is engaged in the business. But whether real estate is a business or a profession has no connection at all with the body of ethics governing it. Every business can be conducted upon a plane ethically as high as the ideals of any profession, and the men who have been conspicuously successful in the real estate business have attained success because they have applied to their business the highest ideals of commercial fair dealing. This does not mean that there is any ethical requirement for the seller or the purchaser to give away anything which belongs to him, or for either one to disclose to the other his necessity for selling or his requirements for buying; but the barg ain having been made, it is absolutely necessary that it be lived up to by both parties, according to its intent; and, if there be any doubt of the intent of the bargain as it is expressed in writing, that the spirit of the transaction be carried out rather than that the catch words of a written instrument should govern. Cases are frequent of men who to their own detriment perform the thing which they have promised to do although not legally obligated, and the bigger and more successful the man who makes the promise the more surely will it be carried out. Important obligations are often incurred upon the mere promise of a well-known man to sell an important piece of property at a definite price, although no legal and enforceable obligation exist; and the promise is always redeemed if it is made by a man who knows the business, and it is redeemed not merely from altruistic motives, but also for purely business reasons. Divisions of the business.â€â€the principal divisions of the real estate business are investment, operation and agency. These differ from one another according to the aims of the persons engaging in them and the methods by which those persons expect to make their gains. To conduct either of the first two divisions of the business, investment or operation, actual money capital is required. The most important capital in the agency business is the good will of its customers, and that can be marketed, increased and made very valuable for investment. Investment is the employment of capital in the acquisition of real estate or interests therein for permanent ownership or actual use of the person acquiring it. Operation is the employment of capital in the acquisition or improvement of real estate or interests therein for commercial operations. Agency is dealing in or with real estate on behalf of others. Investment in real estate is generally made for either of two purposes : (a) To derive an income, (b) To hold for resale in expectancy of an increase in value. Investment for income may be for one of two purposes, (1) The derivation of rentalâ€â€that is, the direct return for the use of real property for definite periods, or (2) The obtaining of income through others upon money lent on the security of real property. COMPANY PROFILE Piyush group has ventured into a wide range of aspects of Real Estate and construction. In the Indian real estate state of affairs, Piyush Group is indulged in development of Integrated Township, Group Housing Projects, and Commercial Mall. In the world of Piyush Group people get to enjoy the Harmony of Nature, the culture and the people together. Piyush Group is a diversified group with a major presence in real estate development, construction and financial services. This group, has over two decades of experience, a strong technical base and financial standing was accorded the ISO 9001: 2000 certification. A recognition of its focus on international standards. Time bound delivery and top level quality is synonymous with this group which has a projected turnover of US $ 450 million. From integrated housing projects to commercial projects to business parks, Piyush group has ventured into various facets of real estate and construction. In the Indian real estate scenario, Piyush Group is involved in development of Integrated Township, Group Housing Projects, Commercial mall cum Multiplexes, Educational Institutions, Corporate and IT Projects. In Piyush Group, where the vistas are endless, we stands beacon like, leading the way and in the process make an effort to change the way people dream about their homes and establishments. Piyush Group visualizes a project in every major city of the National Capital Region (NCR). Residential Projects on the anvil include Integrated Townships in Palwal and Bhiwadi and a world class Group Housing Project (Piyush Heights) is under speed development spread over 17.5 acres (approx.) located at Sec 89, Faridabad. Commercial projects including Upcoming Business Park Global i being designed by the renowned architect Hafeez Contractor located on Mathura Road, Faridabad. With plenty more in the offering Piyush Group stands for its motto To deliver quality beyond ones expectations. Core Strength The core strength of Piyush Group is its experience professionals who bring in unique mix together of business and technology skills that help the group to know business issues and opportunities and to achieve measurable output. In a very short period Piyush Group has made a mark. This achievement that Piyush Group has achieved is actually the sources of inspiration which keeps them going. The motto of their growth is to deliver quality beyond ones expectations and consider in keeping intact the essence of life as growth. Professionalism and awareness to detail, right from planning to implementation is an in-built quality of the entire team of qualified professionals that make up the most valuable resource of Piyush Group. Efficiency and Integrity is the keystone of this organization where energy of youth rubs shoulders with wealth of experience reflecting the creativity and progressiveness of the organization. The main strength of Piyush Group is their highly qualified and seasoned professionals, experts and advisors. They have an approach to provide real estate solutions sterns from pure professionalism, through knowledge of market trends, technical knows-how, utilization of world class construction methods and equipment. Piyush Group wealth is a rich vault of experience which grows with each new project implemented. Dedicated to details the gtoup covers every inch from planning to implementation to after sales. And periodically invest in research and development to keep updating the knowledge of consumer insight, technology and construction for an unmatched leverage in forecasting and planning for the future with hallmarked quality projects that meet expectations in designs, amenities and convenience. The efforts have earned the group recognition for international standards, globally. Vision Mission VISION: Piyush Group foresees to transform dreams into reality. Its vision is to create residential and commercial establishments across all stratum of society and eventually facilitate to excel in the essence of life! The endeavor is to develop the lives and aspirations of people and enhance their quality of life and work. MISSION: To regenerate the essence of life To provide to customers needs of today and to percieve and provide for tomorrows needs. To provide value for money high returns on investment. To focus on strategic growth through existing and forthcoming projects. To stick on to internationally accepted benchmarks in real estate development and construction Principles Guidelines The Essence of Life: The core fundamental principle that governs our endeavors. And which simply defined translates into following: To formulate a cohesive effort in improving and inspiration of people. To provide to the needs of today to predict and provide for the needs of tomorrow. To give value for money high returns on investment. To support the virtues of transparency in dealings, honesty and integrity. To build long lasting relationship with business partners, clients and customer. To generate innovative real estate projects via a unique blend of business acumen, technology skills. To deliver the epitome of high quality on a timely basis. To our customers before our projects and not vice versa. Piyush Group Projects Group Housing Piyush Heights Commercial – Piyush Business Park, Piyush Global I, Piyush Mahendra Metropolitan Mall Group Housing Group Housing 1) Piyush Heights: Overview: Envisaged as an amalgam of world class infrastructure and aesthetic environs this Group Housing project spread over 17.5 Acres (approx.) located at Sec 89, Faridabad offers a combination of 1086 apartments. Facilities like a fully equipped gymnasium, clubhouse, swimming pool, etc. are luxuries that come with the offering. This residential complex promises peace of mind with it’s hi-tech security, power backup and still parking space. Salient Features Being designed by leading architect M/S R.K Associates Green Area Exotic Landscaping and open area Provision for visitors Car parking Surrounded by Prominent Educational and Health Care institutes Building Design for earthquake resistance Parking in stills and open Why to invest One of the most talked about project in Faridabad. It is situated in the Heart of Greater Faridabad; only 5 minutes drive from proposed Noida express way. Nearly 8 kms from South Delhi Best of the amenities being provided at a very competitive price Bank loan facility available Lot of corporate houses employs have also invested in our project Bank Loan facility Available from: Can Fin Homes Ltd (sponsored by canara bank), Duestsche Bank, DHFL Commercial Projects 1) Piyush Global I Overview A symbol of dynamism and growth, Globai I is a world-class IT Project at Faridabad. From an incredible architectural style to the breathtaking views outside, working here in intended for people who seek to be associated with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Its hi-tech offices exude sophistication and elegance, and provide a fitting ambience for those who enjoy being in the midst of all the action. Stay ahead of competition. Work better. Meet deadlines earlier. Make smooth transactions a daily routine. And to its end, Global I offers varied infrastructure which makes all this easily possible. Salient Features Centralised Air conditioning (Bluestar) 12% assured return on investment Strategically located at the Main NH-2 Total area of 3, 50, 000 sq.ft. (Approx) Designed by the renowned architect, Hafeez Contractor Proximity to the upcoming metro station . Only 20 minutes from the proposed Noida Expressway 25 minutes drive from Delhi* Hassel-free working environment Health Club Spa Cafeteria Centralised RO water supply 3 level basement parking Designed on the pattern of environment friendly green building NH-2 going to six lane soon IMT Faridabad is just 5 min drive Approx. 1km drive from Commercial sector -12 ATM 2) Piyush Mahendra Metropolitan Mall (Commercial Project) Overview A Joint venture with Sh. Mahendra Pratap Singh (Cabinet Minister – Haryana Govt.) The world of fashion brands cuisines beckons you, now bigger and better. Piyush group presents a magnificent investment opportunity in the industrial city of Faridabad, The MetropolitanMall. Designed to be the finest corporate and retail destination, The Metropolitan Mall is perfect for those who wish to invest in this booming real estate market Salient Features Centrally air-conditioned Electrical Lighting System- Remote Controlled Heat reflective glass to reduce air conditioning costs Specifications as per international standards Designed as per Vaastu Feng Shui 24X7 security systems with CCTV Two level basement parking Fire Detection protection system. An ambience of multi specialty Cuisine Food Court . Piyush Mall is surrounded by artfully landscaped natural green environment. Situated in heart of Residential area Very good location as NIT and other residential area is nearyby 3) Piyush Business Park Overview A new era in the Business World , Piyush Business Park is being designed by the world-renowned Architect Hafeez Contractor. Piyush Business Park has architectural marvel in glass and steel will be spread over an area of 2 lakhs sq. ft (approx.). and will be located on the Main Mathura Road, NH-2, Faridabad as figured in the road map displayed below. This business location promises to be the destination of corporate and business houses and will be an amalgam of serenity and modernity. Piyush Business Park, a new ultra modern design of architecture consists of eight floors surrounded by artfully landscaped greenery with common basement two level parking for nearly three hundred vehicles. It will house MNCs like Insurance, Banking, FMCG, Consutling IT/ITES etc. The platforms and infrastructure supporting services are being carefully engineered and designed to provide the best quality of service at the highest levels of availability and in harmony with customer expectations and global standards. Quality construction material is being used which includes tiled floor finishes, stone countertops throughout the area. Piyush Business Parks will thus provide the most extensive and comprehensive portfolio of structured connectivity solutions available in the market today. Salient Features Electrical Lighting System- Remote Controlled. Heat reflective glass to reduce air conditioning costs. Specifications as per international standards. Designed as per Vaastu feng Shui . Hi-Tech commercial arena and world class futuristic amenities. 24X7 security systems with CCTV. Two level basement parking. Fire Detection protection system. An ambience of multi speciality Cuisine Food Court. Business Park Surrounded by artfully landscaped natural green environment. Dedicated space for auto car showroom Proposed Metro connectivity NH-2 going to six lane soon Current Scenario of Real Estate Business The crucial sector of our economy is the real estate sector as it has huge multiplier effect on the economy and therefore it is known as the big driver for economic growth. After agriculture, real estate sector is the second largest employment generating sector. It is growing at a rate of about 20% per annum and this sector has been contributing about 5-6% to India’s GDP. Apart from generating a high level of direct employment the sector also stimulates the demand in over 250 ancillary industries such as cement, steel, paint, brick, building materials, consumer durables and so on. Since 2005, the Indian real estate industry has been on a roller coaster ride. There has been a boom in investment and developmental activities after the government’s policy of allowing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in real estate sector. The sector has witnessed the entry of many new domestic realty players and also the arrival of many foreign real estate investment companies including private equity funds, pension funds and development companies entered the sector lured by the high returns on investments. The real estate sector has also been through many highs and lows. The industry achieved new heights during 2007 and early 2008. In beginning of 2007, there was formidable growth in demand, substantial development and increased foreign investments. However, by mid 2008, industry took a ‘U’ turn due to the global economic slowdown and inflow of FDI into real estate dropped significantly which at one point of time was seen as one of the most promising markets for foreign investments experienced a downturn. Financial Support to the Sector FDIs attracted by the housing and real estate sector in the Financial Years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 are 8.9%, 10.3% and 11% respectively, of the total FDI in India. However the financial year 2010-11 there was sheer 6% FDI in the sector. In the year 2010 the Indian real estate sector regained its charm after the darkness and recessionary pressures experienced in the year of global downturn. With the aim of focussing on ‘affordable housing’ the sector has crunched the financial downturn it has experienced. The sector still has the huge potential to attract FDI in its various segments. The focus on ‘affordable housing’ helped the sector tide over the financial crunch it had witnessed. There is no doubt that the sector holds huge potential to attract FDI in its various segments. The real estate sector requires joint support from both industrial sector and the Government to make further progress. On the one hand, the industry should work towards increased transparency, clear land titles, improved delivery and project execution while on the other hand the Government must provide fiscal incentives to developers to build low cost and affordable housing for the masses and also review the existing FDI guidelines for investment and development in Indian real estate so that there can be an increase in the flow of foreign capital into the sector. Challenges faced by the Real Estate Industry The challenges that are faced by Indian real estate industry are as follows: Lack of clear land titles, Absence of title insurance, Absence of industry status, Lack of adequate sources of finance, Shortage of labour, Rising manpower and material costs, Approvals and procedural difficulties. Traditionally Real Estate sector was unorganized nowadays it is slowly evolving into a more organised one as the sector has started embracing professional standards and transparency with open arms. The Indian Real Estate sector has both majorly established domestic players and international players. Some of the examples of the major established domestic players in the sector are DLF, Unitech, Hiranandani Constructions, Tata Housing, Godrej Properties, Omaxe, Parsvanath, Raheja Developers, Ansal Properties and Infrastructure and Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd to name a few. International players like Hines, Tishman Speyer, Emaar Properties, Ascendas, Capitaland, Portman Holdings and Homex have made a name for themselves in India. The Road Ahead Since real estate reaching a point of saturation in developed countries and the demand and prices falling, global real estate players are looking at emerging economies such as India for tapping opportunities in real estate. Therefore Indian Real Estate Sector has a huge potential of consistent FDIs. As India has strong economic fundamentals and demographic factors so Indian real estate will stay attractive and also there is a high level of global uncertainty looming over the developed and developing nations of the world. Developed economies are still struggling to regain their growth momentum which will allow developing countries including India and China to grow at a reasonably high rate. The opportunities in Real Estate sector in coming years will also help to attract global players to India and hence will assist the industry to mature become more transparent, improve management and adopt advanced construction techniques (Link 1). Growth prospect of Real Estate Business in NCR Real Estate business in NCR which is witnessing a setback these days will regain its lost momentum with the boost in the economy. Government is taking measures to capitalize on the capabilities of the real estate and infrastructure sector by supporting the private public partnership (PPP) model not only to boost the infrastructural activities in NCR also to bring back growth and to deliver to its citizens. The strategy involves contributions from public and private sector which will revamp the city’s environs. NCR is seemed popular as an investment destination as the destinations like Connaught place is emerged as the fourth costliest commercial office market in the world. Moreover the rental values in central business district (CBD) rose by 20 percent in one year mainly due to lack of availability of quality space, no new supply prevailing high demand. Commercial activity apart from Delhi CBD is mainly concentrated in the prominent locations of NCR (mainly in Faridabad, Noida and Gurgaon) enjoys superiority as a choice of business destinations. In addition to above, the new and the upcoming corridors along Gurgaon and Noida like Yamuna Expressway, Noida Expressway, Dwarka Expressway have led to tremendous increase in the Real Estate Projects both commercial and residential from all major real estate groups in the past few months and will continue to attract more players of real estate. The other major corridors like Faridabad-Noida-Gurgaon (FNG) Expressway, Southern Peripheral Road and Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway are seeing prominent real estate projects developments and their popularity will also lead to more investment in NCR. Capital value of the residential realty market has also increased due to factors like amenities, travel time to commercial districts, connectivity to various parts of the city and quality of public transport and infrastructure. There has been 14 to 29 percent appreciation in residential property market of South-East Delhi, South-Central, Gurgaon and Faridabad in a year. Rent is also showing stability across all markets in the last quarter (Link 2). Why Faridabad has a Greater Scope for Realty development Faridabad, an industrial hub of Haryana, is now considered one of the best bets for safe living in the NCR. With improving infrastructure, Faridabad has transformed into a booming economic warehouse, and, a recent study has projected this old industrial city as the countrys city of the decade 2011-21 (Link 3). Bibliography (1) (2) (3)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Influence of celebrities X parents Essay Example for Free
Influence of celebrities X parents Essay Invasion of the celebrities in homes around the word have an impact in children life. Celebrities are everywhere. Media like television shows, Internet, and magazines make the presence of celebrities constant in daily live, and this presence result an influence under younger. Sometimes this impact agrees with parents’ values but sometimes diverges. While parents work hard to give a good education for their children, the widely spread of some celebrity behavior make a mess in younger minds. As well as parents, personalities have a meaningful presence in young lives. Appearing al the time celebrities concur with parents for children attention. Occasionally, teenagers prefer to be in front of television watching their favorite shows than spend time with family. In some cases, celebrities can have a positive influence under children. Teens might admire a disciplined athlete, a philanthropic actor and also they might be impressed by parents ethical conducts. It is known that misbehavior of celebrities is widely divulged, and adolescents that are exposed to these behaviors might change their comportment. Young usually follow the celebrities tends like hairstyles, clothing, and even ideal. Opinions and values may change and sometimes can go against the father and mother principles. Family usually teaches their successors what is right and wrong. However, celebrities behavior like the singer Justin Bieber, that get involved in a minor scuffle with paparazzo, may give to children an impression that it is normal, and also they may think that these conducts are acceptable by society. The disclosure of celebrity lives may make children mind sometimes resulting in a divergent values of their parents, in other perspective agree with parents education. The incessant presence of personalities involves the younger mind and leads boys and girls to change their behavior. Comportment example tends copied from children. The comportment can come from TV stars and parents. Depending the type of example, younger shift their thoughts to better, but maybe it can prompt in a behavior in opposite to their parents. Notably, as well parent celebrities easily influence children. For this reason, parents cannot underestimate their power, and they have to assume the control of their children.
Behaviorism And Constructivism
Behaviorism And Constructivism This research will focus on the overlapping relationship between two important theories, which are behaviorism and constructivism in the teaching field. The effective method in applying them in teaching English as a second language in foreign environment. The constructivism study of 417 students in china which examine its applicability. The behaviorism study that represents its affect on teaching and learning. My teaching experience with second grade students with Arabic background and their achievement in language acquisition. Academic learning requires conscious effort and much practice in composing, developing, and analyzing ideas. Literature Review In the Second Language Classroom Reading: A Social Constructivist Approach (Lianrui Yang, 2006), was mainly about constructivism theory and the best way in applying it to learn ESL. The key points were concerned about how to read in a constructivist way to take a strategic approach to develop effective reading. The paper shed a light on the important of social learning, and its purpose is to ask the right question to become independent readers. The A Comparison of Two Theories of LearningBehaviorism and Constructivism as applied to Face-to-Face and Online Learning (Dr. Mary Anne Weegar, 2012), which pointed to the Skinnerian behavior theory in learning. Behavior is predicted and controlled according to Watson, who considered the inventor of this science. The role of instructional technology in teaching and learning and its influence on understanding. The paper discussed the comparison between behaviorism and constructivism in different aspects. In the behaviorism chapter three in Learning Theories (Schunk, 1991), the theory was a leading one in the past, which considered a psychological one. Behaviorist approach is to conduct careful analysis of material to be learned: break it down into its smallest component and pieces, put them in a sequence so more complex ideas are built out of simpler one. Incorporate effective reinforcement: identify positive (and possibly negative) reinforces and provide them in a systematic and timely way. Use objective measures of learning to track progress. The school system used to have certain conditioning behavior with certain reinforcement also, Skinner focused on expected responses. The chapter enhanced the importance of positive enforcement instead of negative enforcement. The book of Learning Theories (Schunk, 1991) discussed the constructivism in chapter six, which reflect the theory on teaching and learning process. This theory has been developed by two important theorist who is Piaget and Vygotsky, who have been discussing in details the cognitive and psychological sides of this theory. Constructivism as a paradigm or worldview posits that learning is an active, constructive process. The learner is an information constructor who will build his own knowledge according to the basic one he has. People actively construct or create their own subjective representations of objective reality. New information is linked to prior knowledge, thus mental representations are subjective. The research of Effect of Questions and Test-Like Events on Achievements and On-Task Behavior in Classroom Concept Learning Presentation (Mckenzie) has focused on an experience of choosing fifty-one students and divide them into two groups. The paper was concerned about question controlled and addresses each individual at a time. The students were exposed to oral questions as stimuli. The paper concentrated on test-like environment more than ordinary classroom, were verbal question play a certain behavior, which allow the teacher to monitor the students achievement. The core of this study is to enhance the learning process. The article of An investigation into the factors affecting the use of language learning strategies by Persian EFL learners (Mohammad Rahimi, 2008), discusses the different teaching a second language strategies. In the study there has been a data collected from 196 students to examine their understanding of the language and discover the weakness. The research points out to the importance of motivation in language learning; also it presses the importance of integrated curriculum with language acquisition. Introduction English language considered the second official language in Saudi Arabia because its the language of science and has been used in business, governmental circles and affairs. There have been a number of negotiations on what is the proper age to learn English as a second language; hence they reached to solution that is the proper age to learn English is 4th grade. Thus, the privet schools have different curriculum and system which is teaching English since kindergarten. T A second language acquisition in a different environment considered a hard job on both teacher and student, while you only expose to English for one or two periods per day. The behaviorism was concerning about conditioning and learning by behavior influence. There has been different methods and theories discussed to improve the education process. Different studies and researches prove a number of methods and philosophies and the teacher work is to define what is appropriate to her/his class. Behaviorism Behaviorism considered an old psychological theory goes back to 1880, and had been started at laboratory which examines behaviors. Then, Watson in 1913 was responsible for the movement towards behaviorism and away from functionalism. This publication was a study of the relationship between organisms and their environment (Overskeid, 2008). In addition, Skinner came an used Watson findings, and apply them on humans behavior, he tried to condition the human behavior by reinforcing the positive stimulus in order to have the required responses. Skinner expressed no interest in understanding how the human mind functioned. He was a behaviorist in the strictest sense as was John Watson. Both Skinner and Watson were only concerned with how behavior is affected by external forces (Dr. Mary Anne Weegar, 2012). The behaviorist theory riles mostly on generalization, reinforcement, rewarding and conditioning. Imitation plays a great role in behaviorist classroom, specifically through verbal learning. There has been a movement against behaviorism especially at the ends of 1960, when Noam Chomsky, who is linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician, proved the inefficiency of Skinners Grammatical theory, which led to the ends of behaviorism. The beams of behaviorism still affect the education process even if it is not directly. The child developed knowledge is an important to build ones character is by providing him with the right education. B. F. Skinner pointed to that learning due to the change of reinforcement, responses, and stimulus. According to Schunks behaviorism chapter, in which he discusses Behaviorism is a worldview that operates on a principle of stimulus-response. (Schunk, 1991). All behavior caused by external stimuli (operant conditioning). All behavior can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness. In addition, behaviorism is kind of related to John Locke theory which is that the mind is blank slate. Construcutivism As a response to instructive approaches such as behaviorism and programmed instruction, constructivism states that learning is an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it. Knowledge is constructed based on personal living experiences and hypotheses of the environment. Each person has a different interpretation and construction of knowledge process. (Constructivism, 2012). In the article of Second Language Classroom Reading: A Social Constructivist Approach, you will find the transformation of the educational method in the classroom which has been moved from behaviorism to constructivism. The introduction of the article has discussed this transition, thus it highlighted the social constructivism in which learners are active constructor at their learning environment. The article discussed learning English in a different environment such as Chinese learners. Vygotsky, the father of social constructivism, claimed that learning occurs through dialogue (Vygotsky, 1978). The importance of reading to language teachers and the role of constructivist teacher is to assist the students during their learning process. The role of teacher is to build independent readers inside their students and enable them to ask themselves the questions. The students should interpret the text into their own meaning without the help of the teacher. According to the constructivist, the learning is an active process and as knowledge would be constructed more and more. Learning is kind of personal interpretation toward thing around us. Frankly, constructivism is emphasizing the problem solving and other things. Social learning means that you have to share knowledge and construct learning with group. The teacher would deal with the students in the classroom and there he/she will discuss the objectives and goals with the students. In addition, the teacher role is to moderate the knowledge. Environment is playing a great role in the constructivist class, and the students should expose to things that help them learn. The epistemological notion of constructivism is that the person constructs understanding through different learning principles. In addition the metaphysics notion of constructivism that the body of knowledge isnt fixed, thus it is dynamic changing. Constructivism comes from a cognitive and rationalism paradigm. The teacher plays a subjective role, it rely on what he represents. The students, according to the constructivist class, are playing a great role, in which they will be the knowledge learner, seeker, creator, and team member. The instructor would be presented as a facilitator of the knowledge, coach, and he should always motivate them. Cognition is based on mind constructivism; the mind is providing ideas and constructs it in several ways. The cognitive Schemata, has its effect on the learner ability to construct knowledge and interpret information and data. It is a mental process, where information takes place in the mind. The use of brain schemata is to assess our previous knowledge, and construct knowledge depending on the ideas we get from the environment. The brain is hard wired and the mind has a memory capacity and it has an internal structure that makes it perform in certain way. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦We must immediately expand our vision beyond standard educational institutions. In our cultures of today and of tomorrow parents, peers, and media play roles at least as significant as do authorized teachers and formal schoolsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if any clichà © of recent years ring true, it is the acknowledgment that learning must be lifelong. Howard Gardner Applying multiple intelligences method to reach different type of students as a sub-part of constructivism. Multiple intelligence has been noticed by Howard Gardener, who impresses on valuing all kind of intelligences. Constructivism and multiple intelligences are two sides for one coin, there is a kind of correlation between them in teaching and learning process. Gardner has written several books about the different kinds of intelligences to address both teachers, students, peers, etc.. to develop a better teaching and learning method. The article of an investigation into the factors affecting the use of language learning strategies by Persian EFL learners, has reached to the finding that strategy use is a complex with the different variable of students learning ability. The result of the research shows that context of the language learning plays important role in understanding the language. For example, certain aspects of learners strategic behavior such as their perceived use of metacognitive and social strategies appear to have been influenced by the teaching approach adopted in the Iranian EFL classrooms (Mohammad Rahimi, 2008). In this Table: ANOVA results for effect of sensing vs. intuitive learning style on cognitive, metacognitive and social strategies use (N = 196) (Mohammad Rahimi, 2008). Also, shows that the use of different learning strategies will help the learner of second language to understand and build their own knowledge. Throughout my teaching years, especially teaching 3rd grade Arabic students and teach them a second language such as English, I need to provide them with the best methodology to acquire the knowledge. Constructivism has its affect in building the knowledge, especially that students have been exposed to English for only ninety minutes per day. Through these minutes they have to do different tasks, starting from listening, reading, writing, to speaking. In the past, teaching was colored with behaviorism in it approach, in which the teacher has to give them the information step by step and they have to follow the teacher rules. In the mean time, teaching and learning goes into transformation from behaviorist approach to constructivist one. In the constructivist class students can use their intelligence and build the words according to the phoneme sound they have learned today. The students have a great role in my class, they dont just repeat what I say, in the contrary they build their own words and throughout the conversation with their peers and me, they build new words and explore new knowledge to construct. The responsiveness the students of learning a second language in behaviorist and constructivist classroom. The students in the behaviorist class room would feel little bit jammed into a stereo type situation where the teacher steer the wheel and they have to follow without interruption. It is totally different from the constructivist classroom in which they have the total freedom to lead their own mind where ever they want. The teachers role here is more about how they deliver the knowledge and how the students construct the knowledge. Conclusion At the conclusion, as teacher we believe that students are the only ones who do the actual learning. The improvement of teaching second language with constructivism method has been noticed all over the years. I believe that the teacher job is to be facilitators to knowledge which will be grown and burst into her/his own students.
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