Sunday, May 24, 2020
This semester music class has taught me a lot on basic...
This semester music class has taught me a lot on basic functions of musical sound, elements of music, and what a common beat is. When we first started class we discuss all this information and I received a lot of knowledge from it. For example duple means 2 beats per minute, and triple means 3 beats per minute. Understanding these elements enhances our listening, provides vocabulary for discussion, and increases our capacity to enjoy music. What stood out to me the most in class is how each musician we talked about had a story to tell through their music. For example Woody Guthrie with the song â€Å" This land is our land†was a great protest song. It was written in reaction to the great depression and how people couldn’t find work. This†¦show more content†¦Evelyn made history for every musician with a disability to go out in the world and follow his or her dreams. Evelyn was deaf but she could play better than most musicians that weren’t deaf, she re ally stood out because people were shock of how good she played being deaf. Evelyn’s drive and motivation to do something no matter how much people said she couldn’t do it she did it anyways. Which makes me feel comfortable to do anything I want to do in life. Regardless of how people may look, think, or even judge you. Looking at the video we had to watch outside of class you could tell she just loved what she was doing. If I never knew anything about this lady I couldn’t even guess she was deaf because how good she plays and interacts with her audience. Being in this class has defiantly given me a new perspective on art and music. With me I only listen rap and never was interested in trying other selections of music until this class. Being able to get a better understanding and background information of country, classical music, and rock and roll makes me appreciate the music a lot more. What I have enjoyed more than before is modern jazz. I love the peacefuln ess of the jazz music. It’s a lot more soothing than rap music I must admit. Sometimes I need that music that allows you to escape from all the frustration, anger, and sadness that may have been built up and turn to modern jazz which has been my problem solver.Show MoreRelatedStatement of Purpose23848 Words  | 96 Pages................................................. 36 Ohio Wesleyan University Writing Center  © 2011 IV. Arts (Fine Arts, Music, Film, Theatre, and Dance) ............................................................ 38 Music..................................................................................................................................... 38 Music (Acoustic) ................................................................................................................... 39Read MorePrinciples of Teaching 1: the Relationship of the Taxonomy of Objectives with the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Organizing of Contents8317 Words  | 34 PagesOF TEACHING 1 SEED 3043 2ND Semester SY2010-2011 The Relationship of the Taxonomy of Objectives with the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Organizing of Contents Prepared by: GARCIA, JENNIFER A., BSED II-1 Submitted to: DR. JUANITA B. CARLOS March 19, 2011 INTRODUCTION The Relationship of the Taxonomy of Objectives with the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Organizing of Contents is the concept I choose, because I believed that taxonomy of objectives has the important role and theRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words  | 190 Pagesapplicants require up-to-date materials and inspiration to match the current environment. While this book includes the latest application essays, which are updated regularly by the ad... missions committee, it retains several essaysfrom the first edition of the book because of their uniqueness as well as to reflect typical question topics that may reappear in future admissions applications. It is worth noting that this book is created by The Harbus News Corporation, an independent nonprofit entity, not theRead MoreCase Study148348 Words  | 594 Pages---------------------------------This edition published 2011  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 The rights of Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington and Kevan Scholes to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Pearson Education is not responsible for the content of third party internet sites. ISBN: 978-0-273-73557-1 (printed) ISBN: 978-0-273-73552-6 (web) All rights reserved. Permission is hereby given for the material in this publicationRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 PagesThomas R. Kochtanek and Joseph R. Matthews The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management Frances C. Wilkinson and Linda K. Lewis Organization of Information, Second Edition Arlene G. Taylor The School Library Media Manager, Third Edition Blanche Woolls Basic Research Methods for Librarians Ronald R. Powell and Lynn Silipigni Connoway Library of Congress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. EdwardRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesColor Text Font: 10/12, Times Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within the text. Microsoft ® and Windows ® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. Screen shots and icons reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Corporation. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. Copyright  ©2012, 2009, 2005, 2002Read More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesIntroduction to Statistics and Data Analysis This page intentionally left blank Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Third Edition Roxy Peck California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Chris Olsen George Washington High School, Cedar Rapids, IA Jay Devore California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Australia †¢ Brazil †¢ Canada †¢ Mexico †¢ Singapore †¢ Spain †¢ United Kingdom †¢ United States Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Third
Monday, May 18, 2020
Federalism and Economic Empowerment of Indigenous People in Gambella - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 754 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Federalism Essay Did you like this example? 2.7.6. ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE To enhance the economic empowerment of the citizen the Government established an Entrepre-neurship Development Institute (EDI) in order to enhance technical, marketing and trade devel-opment skills. The EDI will oversee all skills enhancement initiatives under the National Economic Empowerment Policy. However, this institute will not directly be involved in offering training but will develop curricula that will be used by various learning institutions. The institute will be under the management of one of the higher learning institutions such as the University Dares Salaam (UDSM), the Institute of Finance. (United Republic of Tanzania January, 2014 P.23) 2.7.7. ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT FUNDS The Government establish and make use of various Funds to bring about effective implementa-tion of the economic empowerment initiatives. These include the Mwananchi Empowerment Fund; the Credit Guarantee Fund; the Privatizations Trust Fund; and the Rural Electrification Fund; established after thorough studies and consultations, in order to support the implementation of economic empowerment initiatives. The Government contributes to the Funds not directly involved in their management the government appointed bank to manage the Funds. (United Re-public of Tanzania January, 2014 P: 24) Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Federalism and Economic Empowerment of Indigenous People in Gambella" essay for you Create order 2.7.8. RAISING SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE LEVELS A low level of skills, education and lack of resources, limit the effective participation of many countries in economic activities. A low level of education is amongst the reasons why some citi-zens’ continue to embrace inhibitive customs and traditions that are inimical to development. The absence of an Economic Empowerment Policy was amongst the reasons for the stale met. In this regard, the Government has resolved to put in place an Economic Empowerment Policy that will serve as a roadmap for the participation of the majority of the citizens of in all sectors of the economy. Weaknesses that make most borrowers not creditworthy include lack of knowledge and experience in preparing bankable projects as well as lack of collateral and equity funds to start business (United Republic of Tanzania January, 2014 P:14) 2.8 ETHIOPIA EXPERIENCE 2.8.1 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ECONOMIC GROWTH, EMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY REDUCTION: Policy and reform measures introduced since then have led to an economic transformation and private sector participation. A privatization program embarked upon in 1994 has resulted in the privatization over 250 public enterprises. The government has committed itself to eradicating poverty. The strategies worked out and implemented by the government have already begun to bear fruit as evidenced by over 11% average economic growth in the last five years (women empowering humanity, 2000) The economic progress has put the country among the top performing economies in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly among the non-oil producing country. The country has vision to attain a middle-income status within 20 years. Macroeconomic data indicate that Ethiopia is well placed to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the end of 2015. One of the goals attached to the growth performance of the economy is achieving Goal 1 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). One of the key channels through which this goal would be realized is through job creation that is remunerative. Pursuing broad based growth through focusing on agriculture and rural development has been at the centre of Ethiopia’s po-verty eradication agenda. (p.5) 2.8.2 THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURE IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Agriculture plays many roles in the economic development of the country. The role of agriculture include providing additional food for rapidly expanding population, expanding the market for industrial product, providing additional foreign exchange for the country, mobilizing government revenue from the rural area and increase income of the rural people. (Teshome Adugna, 2012) Providing additional food- the first role of agriculture is to provide additional food for rapidly expanding population. When output expands with an increasing productivity, it increases the income of the farmers. Rise in per capital income leads to substantial rise in the demand for food. Providing employment opportunity– the role of agriculture is to provide employment opportunity to the labor force in the country. In Ethiopia agriculture provide 85% of em-ployment oppotchaptery. As agricultural productivity and farm income increase –nonfarm rural employments expand and diversify. Landless and marginal farmers are primary engage in non agriculture activities. Some activities in which they are engage in are manufacturing of textile, handcrafts, leather and mental working; construction of house and others building. Increasing income of the rural people- lastly, increase in rural income as a result of the agricultural surplus tends to improve rural welfare. Peasants start consuming more food especially of higher nutritional value in the form of superior quality cereal, eggs, ghee, milk, fruits etc. Thus an increase in agriculture surplus has an effect on raising the stan-dard living of the rural people
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Hypertension The Most Dangerous Risk Factors For...
Hypertension is one of the most dangerous risk factors for preventable cardiovascular disease. This illness occurs when the blood that goes through the blood vessels is excessive; this puts pressure into the vessel walls. Stress is not a clear factor for the heart disease or high blood pressure but what is clear is that depression influences people’s health negatively causing a great number of severe diseases and health issues. This paper will discuss hypertension and one of the main causes for this disease, which is stress. Further more I will discuss some techniques and two current researches. Today hypertension or high blood pressure is know as the most common condition when the force of the blood flowing in a person’s arteries is too†¦show more content†¦Stress is considered as the state of mental tension that is caused by certain problems in the person’s life, bringing strong feelings of anxiety and worry. Stress management involves a number of techniques, methods and psychotherapies that are focused to control a person’s level of stress. They also aim to work on chronic stress in order to improve health and daily functioning. It should be mentioned that stress-induced hypertension, causes high blood pressure, which is closely connected to emotional or physical stress. High blood pressure and chronic stress may bring a lot of health problems and complications. â€Å"According to National Center for Health Statistics and U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 32.5% of adults experience hypertension today, nowadays high blood pressure a ppears to be the striking cause of death for more than one thousand deaths each day†(2015). Rajeev Gupta and Soneil Guptha (2010) focused on the strategies for initial management of hypertension. The study that they conducted took place in India and proved that high blood pressure is now one of the most dangerous health issues in their country and it appears increase every year. The authors stated that â€Å"reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure can decrease cardiovascular risk and this can be achieved by non-pharmacological (lifestyle measures) as well as pharmacological means†(Gupta
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Market Revolution Essay - 813 Words
The market revolution in the United States brought a sudden change in the manual labor system originating in south and digressed to the north and later spread to the entire world. The integral part of the economic growth in the United States in the nineteenth century was a good thing that brought change in the market. In respect to the change, America took its first major step in creating the world’s most stable and strongest economy, which gave room for growth among the citizens. The time of the market revolution is a time of immense political change but also of great economic and technological innovation. It was a period American market experienced a fast economic growth and expansion. This was the period America underwent a serious†¦show more content†¦I believe that one the most major innovation that also brought change in the market revolution was the Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1793 because America lacked cotton most of 1700s, regardless of the fact that they had ability to construct textile factories and had waterways for transport. The southern planters in the past made effort to grow cotton, but never succeeded because cotton was labor intensive, so they dropped the idea and went to plant rice and tobacco, because during that period they tried growing cotton, it normally takes a lot of manpower and slaves use a whole day to separate maybe a pound of cotton seeds from fibers. They basically dropped every other crop in place of the newly profitable cotton. Also With the invention of the cotton gins, factories in the North were producing cotton cloth and cotton became the major crop in the south. Also the planters wanted increases in slave labor to plant enough cotton to take advantage of their new production capacity and this made them purchase thousands of slaves from the West Indies and Africa before slave trading was banned. As a result of the purchase of this slaves and extra manpower, the individual plantations increased in sizes, from the normal small plots to big farms with as many as several hundred slaves each. Due to the economic bloom there was a demand in laborShow MoreRelatedThe Market Revolution Essay1100 Words  | 5 PagesThe antebellum era held many beneficial innovations for the United States. The Market Revolution led to improvements in both travel and technology that guided America to become a more productive nation. More opportunities became available to all Americans which led to growth and prosperity of the people. The Market Revolution was beneficial to America in every way possible. When the term â€Å"Market Revolution†is heard, the first thing many people associate it with is Eli Whitney’s CottonRead More The Market Revolution Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pages During the late 1700’s, the United States was no longer a possession of Britain, instead it was a market for industrial goods and the world’s major source for tobacco, cotton, and other agricultural products. A labor revolution started to occur in the United States throughout the early 1800’s. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812, the domestic marketplace changed due to the strong pressure of social and economic forces. MajorRead MoreEssay on The Market Revolution1054 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican History I The Market Revolution During the late 1700’s, the United States was no longer a possession of Britain, instead it was a market for industrial goods and the world’s major source for tobacco, cotton, and other agricultural products. A labor revolution started to occur in the United States throughout the early 1800’s. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812, the domestic marketplace changed due to the strong pressureRead MoreAmerican Revolution, Market Driven or Not895 Words  | 4 PagesTheme 2 Was the American Revolution largely a product of market-driven consumer forces? The American Revolution paved the way for democratic rule in nations and ignited the spreading thereof throughout the whole world. Yet events that led up the start of the revolution have been mixed in their significance by historians. Both historians, Carl Degler and T.H. Breen agree that the British mercantile system had benefited the colonists, allowing them to have comfortable lifestyles. Madaras L, SoRelleRead MoreAmerican Revolution, Market Driven or Not901 Words  | 4 PagesTheme 2 Was the American Revolution largely a product of market-driven consumer forces? The American Revolution paved the way for democratic rule in nations and ignited the spreading thereof throughout the whole world. Yet events that led up the start of the revolution have been mixed in their significance by historians. Both historians, Carl Degler and T.H. Breen agree that the British mercantile system had benefited the colonists, allowing them to have comfortable lifestyles. Madaras L, SoRelleRead MoreImpact Of The Market Revolution On American History1460 Words  | 6 PagesThe Market Revolution was the most fundamental change in American history all because of three very important developments. These developments consisted of transportation, commercialization and industrialization. Transportation developed many more ways to get around by roads, canals, steamboats and even railroads. Commercialization began to replace household self-sufficiency with goods that were starting to be produced for a cash market. Industrialization was life changing for all of goods that wereRead MoreThe Revolution Of Economic Structure And Function Of Market Essay943 Words  | 4 PagesThe revolution in economic structure is known as creative destruction. This term was invented by Joseph Schumpeter in 1950 who considered it as the essential factor of capitalism. According to him, â€Å"fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumers goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that capitalist enterprises create†. This is a fundamental process, that new productRead MoreMarket Revolution and Second Great Awakening861 Words  | 4 PagesThe economic â€Å"market revolution†and the religious â€Å"Second Great Awakening†shaped American society after 1815. Both of these developments affected women significantly, and contributed to their changing status both inside and outside the home. Throughout time, women’ s roles and opportunities in the family, workplace, and society have greatly evolved. Women’s role in the family before 1815 was based around the idea of Republican Motherhood. Republican Motherhood is the idea that children should beRead MoreThe Portrayal Of Capitalism Through The Market Revolution1751 Words  | 8 PagesRegalado AMH 2041 26 July 2015 The Portrayal Of Capitalism Through The Market Revolution The Market Revolution can be described as an early manifestation of capitalism, an era associated with a new sense of individual rights, equality, and freedom. The Market Revolution took place in the early 19th century, and it drastically changed not only the market and commerce of Americans but their personal lives as well. Before the Market Revolution America hadn’t seen any new life changing innovations, most ofRead MoreLiberty Overall Contracts During The Market Revolution978 Words  | 4 Pagesoverall contracts during the Market Revolution since opportunities for economic freedom and political liberty has been restricted for various groups because the new economic way of thinking amplified disparities that had already existed before the Market Revolution. The Market Revolution adversely affected the liberty of Native Americans residing within the United States because they were seen as an obstacle to the country’s economic progress. As the Market Revolution ideas of commerce and expansion
Andrew Jackson Racist Ideology Essay - 1339 Words
This historical study will define the racist ideology of Andrew Jackson’s policies in the genocide of the Seminole peoples during the First Seminole War. Jackson’s racist perception of the Seminole Indians was the result of his experiences fighting Indians during the Creek War, which resulted in his larger national mandate to remove the Seminole from their land for European settlers to inhabit. The First Seminole war defined the overarching genocide against the Seminole peoples through Jackson’s leadership of the United States Army, which took lands and relocated the Seminole to the interior of Florida. In this manner, Jackson’s white supremacy became a foundation for the genocidal policies that intended to alienate and completely remove†¦show more content†¦sovereignty in Florida, but it also defined the underlying hatred and racism that Jackson held toward the Seminole peoples. The victory at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814 defines the begi nning of Jackson’s overt military efforts to completely eradicate any type of Indian sovereignty in Florida through this racist ideology of plantation slave owner: â€Å"As a result, the best plan . . . is to overrun the territory with troops and well-trained blood-hounds, thereby eliminating what the Floridian referred to as this motley mixture of Seminoles. Creeks, [and] fugitive slaves .. . .†(Campbell 270). Naturally, Jackson’s background as a slaveholder provides more evidence of the overt racism that inspired him to use genocidal military force against the Seminoles. These racist political and military conditions laid the foundation for the First Seminole War under Jackson’s military leadership. At the beginning of the First Seminole War, it was becoming apparent that General Jackson was getting more support from President Monroe, which was considered a secret military operation during this time. In fact, Jackson and Monroe had not notified the Con gress of the plan to take Florida, which resulted in a covert operation that made it possible to commit genocide without Congressional approval. This form of military policy generated a more unregulated monitoring of the genocidal practices being applied to the Seminole Indians, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Holocaust And The Eugenics Movement2285 Words  | 10 Pagesthat the people of the United States would use the land more in the manner in which God wanted the land to be used, and referred to the Native Americans as savages, implying them to be uncivilized . Americans such as William Henry Harrison and Andrew Jackson could not understand why Native American lifestyles, and thus chose to dismiss it as uncivilized. Many other groups throughout American History have been exploited, too: As slavery continued in the south after it was ended in the north in theRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War1892 Words  | 8 Pagesfirst a majority of the states did not agree with these new laws, but by 1870, all of the former Confederate states had accepted them and were admitted into the union once again. Once Reconstruction ended in 1877, society slowly went back to a strong racist background and former slaves were once again in servitude. This time, even harsher discrimination against the Blacks were introduced by enforcing state segregation. Reconstruction only caused the nation to become worse. When Reconstruction beganRead MoreThe Representation of Women, Men, and Sexuality in Music Videos9715 Words  | 39 Pagesof a person’s skin doesn’t count, that â€Å"it’s what’s inside that counts.†On the other hand, we treat fashion photography as high culture, spend large amounts of money and time on our appearance, and even use our exterior as a way of communicating ideology or membership in certain social groups. What exactly is the relationship between appearance and inner character? MEDIA EDUCATION FOUNDATION | This study guide may be reproduced for educational, non-profit uses only. 10  © 2007Read MoreSports17369 Words  | 70 Pagesfurther research on various topics, along with an approach to reporting on your reading that encourages critical thinking. Exercise 1.4 is a â€Å"Fill in the blanks,†with the answers on the next page, as is Exercise 2.3 â€Å"Sport history firsts,†and the essays in Exercise 2.4 have suggested inclusions for answers. If you are interested in doing survey scholarship, there are two examples here: Exercise 4.5 offers directions on how to get information on audiences for the Olympic Games, along with a sampleRead MoreSports17363 Words  | 70 Pagesfurther research on various topics, along with an approach to reporting on your reading that encourages critical thinking. Exercise 1.4 is a â€Å"Fill in the blanks,†with the answers on the next page, as is Exercise 2.3 â€Å"Sport history firsts,†and the essays in Exercise 2.4 have suggested inclusions for answers. If you are interested in doing survey s cholarship, there are two examples here: Exercise 4.5 offers directions on how to get information on audiences for the Olympic Games, along with a sampleRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.â€â€(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7Read MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagesbook to fruition. This page intentionally left blank Contents Introduction 1. Charisma, Routinization, and Rastafari 2. Dread Uprising: The Emergence of Rastafari 3. Babylon and Dread Revitalization 4. The Ethos of Rastafari: Structure, Ideology, and Ritual 5. â€Å"Coming in from the Cold†: Rastafari and the Wider Society 6. Rastafari Rules: Bearers of Jamaican Popular Culture 7. Summary and Conclusions Appendix: A Review of the Literature on Rastafari Notes Selected Bibliography Index Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesanother principle of logical reasoning: Stick to the subject. White goes off on a tangent, talking about alcoholism and whether Mayfield looked the judge and DA in the eye. The comment about the clerk being white is also irrelevant, and probably racist. On the other hand, all of Joness remarks are relevant. There is much more that could be said regarding the reasoning in this robbery case. We won’t pursue this case study any more, but in later chapters we will explore all the principles of
Transformational Leadership Usually Focuses Samples for Student
Question: How Transformational Leadership Usually Focuses? Answer: Introducation: As opined by Wagner (2014), the global public schools are expected to make the students academically sound so that they are able to compete on a global basis. The leadership has a great impact on the effectiveness of student learning. Sebastian and Allensworth (2012) stated that the leaders set directions by setting clear directions for the students and establishes high expectations which foster the students to learn in an effective manner. The leader engages in tracking the progress as well as performance of the students and communicates the same to the students (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). This makes the student aware of their current performance standards and can work upon any shortcomings (if any). The aspect of leadership is important in the classroom instruction mode and they influence the learning capabilities of a student. The instructional leadership encourages on the improvement of the teachers classroom practices so that they can guide the students in an effective man ner that would facilitate learning (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). The instructional leaders include the teachers, superintendents and even principals who can influence the student learning by making appropriate decisions for them. Avolio and Yammarino (2013) argued that the transformational leadership usually focuses on the improvement of the different classroom conditions that would facilitate learning among the students. This may range from the incorporation of learning tools to the unique positioning of the classrooms so that the students are able to learn more in a fixed time period (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). The decision-making activities of the school are being governed by the participative and the democratic forms of leadership, which has an indirect impact on the student learning process (Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). According to Thoonen et al. (2012), the 21st centurys students performance can be of two types- qualitative aspects and the quantitative aspects. The quantitative indicators may range from grades of the students including monthly, quarterly and annual grades. The qualitative indicators of the student performance include the performance in the extracurricular activities, public speaking attributes, behavioral attributes and others. Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann (2012) argued that the personality traits such as team work, collaboration and problem-solving are important dimensions of student performance. The teamwork is identified as the most important skills of the students which would help them in both academic life as well as in future professional life (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). The students are expected to demonstrate their abilities to function in multidisciplinary teams. As stated by Nancarrow et al. (2013), the concept of team work is dependent on the attitudes, processes , skills and knowledge of the students, which would help them to perform well in a group work. The development of the team work capabilities is fostered by the instructional practices like cognitive apprenticeship method which is an amalgamation of the explanation, modelling and practice in relevant context. Teamwork is considered as a working environment in which metacognition and reflective practice are vital (Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). It is important for the students to understand the effectiveness of team work and practice the same so that they can adopt practices of self-regulation as well as self-monitoring in their respective teams (West 2012). The aspect of team work is important since it increases the productivity of the students and would help them in increasing their professional goals. As defined by Levi (2015), collaboration is an integral component of teamwork and it is defined as the process of working together in groups so that an objective is fulfilled. The students should have collaborative skills that would improve their academic performance (Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). The sharing of responsibilities would imply that the students would be able to perform different kinds of roles and develop suitable strategies for action. These skills would help the students to perform collective decision making as well as well perform tasks based on the objectives of the organization. If the students are able to imbibe these skills, then they would be successful in their future professional endeavors too. Hwang Wu and Chen (2012) argue that the students need to have problem solving attitude for gaining the best performances. It is important that they improve their analytical ability and lateral thinking so that they can perform their tasks in a better manner (Cava zotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). The students should have skills like persistence and logical reasoning which would help the students to solve critical business issues and be self-sufficient. This would also make them take initiative in their academic as well as professional life. References Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Cavazotte, F., Moreno, V. and Hickmann, M., 2012. Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance.The Leadership Quarterly,23(3), pp.443-455. Hwang, G.J., Wu, P.H. and Chen, C.C., 2012. An online game approach for improving students learning performance in web-based problem-solving activities.Computers Education,59(4), pp.1246-1256. Levi, D., 2015.Group dynamics for teams. Sage Publications. Nancarrow, S.A., Booth, A., Ariss, S., Smith, T., Enderby, P. and Roots, A., 2013. Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work.Human resources for Health,11(1), p.19. Sebastian, J. and Allensworth, E., 2012. The influence of principal leadership on classroom instruction and student learning: A study of mediated pathways to learning.Educational Administration Quarterly,48(4), pp.626-663. Thoonen, E.E., Sleegers, P.J., Oort, F.J. and Peetsma, T.T., 2012. Building school-wide capacity for improvement: The role of leadership, school organizational conditions, and teacher factors.School effectiveness and school improvement,23(4), pp.441-460. Wagner, T., 2014.The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Dont Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Needand What We Can Do About It. Basic Books. West, M.A., 2012.Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research. John Wiley Sons.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence-Free-Samples
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. Answer: Article 1: Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision For Prioritizing Wellbeing With Artificial Intelligence And Autonomous Systems. This particular paper summarizes the ethical issues into field of artificial intelligence along with autonomous systems. AIS are subject to norms as well as values which may conflict by means of each other. It is built into data/algorithmic biases which are disadvantage members of the groups. There is no such trust among the humans as well as AIS. An ethical dilemma based on the personal information is data asymmetry. Autonomous system is designed to the physical harm as compared to the traditional weapons. IEEE Standards Association (2016) stated that technologies as well as systems are aimed to reduce human intervention into daily activities which evolved at rapid pace. The aim of this paper is to identify the key drivers shape the human technology global ecosystem as well as address of the monetary ramifications. Both artificial intelligence as well as autonomous technologies is available worldwide. In the current era, general principles are being concerned with different types of artificial intelligence along with domain of applications whether they are physical robots and software artificial intelligence. In this paper, it is recommended regards the artificial intelligence technologies. It is to be proposed on realistic direction associated to central concerns into association of the humans in addition to emerging information driven technologies. It is ensured that the human values such as human rights are required to be secured. Ethics are therefore the underpin standards which mandates that the system is certified as obedient with the standards. Ethics into the organization are linked with the standards that are in turn linked with the regulations (IEEE Standards Association 2016). It is mostly recommended to secure the personal data so that they are not accessed by any other person those have unauthorized access to the data. Professional ethics code is required to be strictly followed into the organization. Article 2: Society-in-the-Loop: Programming the Algorithmic Social Contract. In this particular article paper, it is summarized about the regulations of artificial intelligence along with algorithmic systems. The author argued that there are requirement of tools that can program, maintain in addition to debug the algorithmic social contract. In order to achieve the tools, human-in-the-loop (HITL) is used for modeling as well as simulation with interactive machine learning. The author proposed society-in-the-loop (SITL) to combine with HITL control paradigm with the mechanism to negotiate the values of different stakeholders affected by the AI systems. Into human-in-the-loop system, the human operators are crucial component for the automated control process that can handle the supervision tasks, exception control along with optimization as well as maintenance. Rahwan (2017) stated that HITL thinking are applied to the human robot interaction. The issues in this article are that HITL is not used to improve accuracy of AI system and speed up the convergence of r einforcement of the learning robot. It is recommended to use of SITL algorithm in order to serve well defined function with broad functions of the societal implications. This particular AI algorithm controls various self-driving cars and setting of filtering algorithms which influence the political beliefs. This algorithm also mediates allocation of the resources; therefore a qualitative shift is done from HITL society into SITL. Rahwan (2017) discussed on the comparison of two loops such as optimization of the AI system into narrow impacts, SITL which embeds values of society into algorithmic control of the societal results that can expansive the social implications. The scientists of artificial intelligence proposed to use crowd sourcing in order to identify the societal tradeoffs into programmable ways. Tim OReilly coined algorithmic regulations for describing the data driven governance. The regulations satisfied the properties such as they understand of the outcomes, measuring to determine achievement of outcomes a nd algorithms are understand based on new data. Reflection on two articles: From two of the articles, I have identified that ethical issues are addressed. I have analyzed that the issues are related to unparalleled scale based on which the computational algorithms are being used and complexity level of the mutual connections. Those are linked with the autonomous behavior. There are issues regarding data processing from huge resources. I have observed that the author has provided some suggestions to address the problem such as code of ethics are developed i.e. promotion of ethical behavior among the employees so that it provides guidelines towards ethical behavior into the workplace. The advantage of this suggestion is that it helps employees to understand the ethical regulations but disadvantage is that there are no such strict ethical rules are mentioned into the papers. A suggestion is addressed to central concerns into relationship of humans and emerging of the information driven technologies (Anderson, Anderson and Berenz 2016). Early development of AI/A S rise to complex ethical problems. Into the second article, I have analyzed that among HITL and SITL, HITL suggested putting human expert into the AI systems loop so as to solve the problem of ethical regulations. I have analyzed some new class of algorithms such as oversight algorithms those can monitor furthermore audit the operational AI programs. This program is aligned about uselessness of source code inspection for means of ethical regulations. In order to implement the suggestions, I have concluded that there are requirement to identify what types of ethical behaviors are people expected from the artificial intelligence. Therefore, the policy makers can articulate people expectations to the machines. In order to close SITL loop, new metrics are needed to evaluate behavior of AI against quantifiable human values (Burton et al. 2017). In my point of view, the managers should be designated as role model to promote ethical behavior and it is beneficial as employees would guide force for promotion of ethical behavior. The managers should be strict to the ethical standards so that the employees should follow the ethical guidelines. I have mentioned that ethical training program are required to train employees about the ethical behavior when design of artificial intelligence and algorithmic systems. After completion of the training program, they are rewarded for their positive behavior. It helps to continue towards ethical practi ces. Into two of the articles, there are many aspects which are mentioned but some of the ethical aspects are not addressed such as aspects based on concept of sustainability like creation of motivation, moral commitment of people along with sensibility. Virtue and context are ethically required to navigate of sustainability. In my point of view, detection of fraud, conducting of research, the artificial intelligence systems are used to transform the lives of people towards better future. In order to do so, the researcher observed that there are various ethical considerations into AI/AS. Those issues provide effect on the work of IT professional, IT developer; therefore it is required to cope up with the issues quickly. It affects the human behavior and interaction, and in short term it influences the humanity. AI is becoming better to provide human conservation as well as human relationships. The humans are limited to the kindness that they expend on other person; the artificial bots are channeling the unlimited resources into building of relationships. Human dominance is caused due to ingenuity as well as artificial intelligence. I have seen that artificial intelligence is a vast potential and there are responsible implementation of it into the organization. The ethical issues are related to future crea tion of the machines and the issues are raised into current automation system. Social network contracts are effective to help employees work together across the generations. References Anderson, M., Anderson, S.L. and Berenz, V., 2016, February. Ensuring Ethical Behavior from Autonomous Systems. InAAAI Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applied to Assistive Technologies and Smart Environments. Burton, E., Goldsmith, J., Koenig, S., Kuipers, B., Mattei, N. and Walsh, T., 2017. Ethical considerations in artificial intelligence courses.arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.07769. IEEE Standards Association, 2016. Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision For Prioritizing Wellbeing With Artificial Intelligence And Autonomous Systems, Version 1. Rahwan, I., 2017. Society-in-the-loop: programming the algorithmic social contract.Ethics and Information Technology, pp.1-10.
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